Seems you've got a little 'that isn't what you just said it was' action going on there yourself, chief.
Seems you've got a little 'that isn't what you just said it was' action going on there yourself, chief.
Considering that you seem to assume (per your previous comment) than everyone who disagrees with you politically must be stupid or evil, I'm not really sure you're in any position to lecture me (or anybody else for that matter) on matters pertaining to logic.
True! But please, don't begrudge me the minor pleasure of pointing out the double standard.
My heart bleeds for your pain. Maybe you and your 21 upvoters can build a wall around the comments section, to keep out ideological deviants and dissenters who don't toe the party line.
Your brain only feels like it's melting because of the weed.
Static is awesome - I would watch that show in a heartbeat.
Not getting any, huh?
I'm sorry for you that you are too dumb to understand the concept of analogy and its rhetorical use.
Counter-counter-counterpoint: this Arizona law demonstrably doesn't end free speech in America, your hyperbole notwithstanding.
So much for freedom of speech and the right to dissent, eh?
Oh, don't be so unimaginative, there are obviously many ways to prevent protests from getting violent - as far as I know, no cars went up in flames during the recent March for Life, and I remember reading about Tea Party protestors actually cleaning up their trash afterwards. So let's not pretend it can't be done.
I'm all for freedom of speech and the right to assemble - peacefully. And if you think all I'm talking about is a Starbucks window, then I kindly invite you to google some pictures of the riots in Ferguson two years ago. Maybe then you yourself can muster up a shit or two for the personal rights of the small business…
No, I don't think it's weird to compare one large gathering of people (with all the safety risks and questions of liability that entails) to another, even if the purpose of said gathering is political rather than commercial.
I don't believe that a) that would stick in court or that b) there are quite as many of these agent provocateurs as you think there are. In fact, people who hand-wave away violence at protests as the work of outside forces more often than not sound like conspiracy theorists to me, so unwilling to be critical of any…
Funny, and here I thought mob violence was a hallmark of fascism.
2025? I think you misspelled 'President Mike Pence'.
But Jimmy Carter did so many good things after he was president…
B-but how will violent protestors be able to warn us how dangerous President Trump is or demonstrate that black lives matter (for example) without being able to riot, start fires and loot small businesses?
You had me at 'get outraged' - where do I sign up?
I actually rewatched it yesterday because of this conversation about the 90s mystery men movies, and yeah, you're probably right. Though I must say, there are a few weird (almost surreal) conversations and moments throughout the movie that keep the whole thing from feeling too leaden and/or a total retro pastiche -…