
No, I don't think it's racist. This sort of casting depends on the fact that it doesn't seem off to the eye. I think we're on the same side here.

So I guess it wasn't a non-snarky question then? I didn't accuse you of anything. The producers actually gave interviews saying they were adding women of colour to the cast. I was expressing my annoyance with them not you. Sorry for offending you.

Floriana Lima is white. And the Italian thing is pertinent considering how long Italians have played Latinx people in American cinema. It's absolute bullshit considering they framed Maggie Sawyer as a woman of colour before the season started.

Petra is also an immigrant with an non-American accent.

That is an American point of view. I respect it but I don't know if anyone from my country would be offended by that. I don't know where OP is from as Americans are the only English speakers who don't spell colour that way.

The belt is pointless and they can't eliminate it because it's already too much blue. Just give the man his knickers back.

You joke but when Thomas Wayne and Thomas Curry become plot points… I need to have a lie down.

Sure. Ignore history and context. Do whatever you want but don't pretend there's any parity in Maher's vitriol.

He did not die peacefully in his sleep at 80. Martin Luther King is not your affable uncle. Mischaracterise his words and works all you want, Nazis still need to be punched in the face.

I've seen him say quite directly that Islam is worse than Christianity. It's not something you have to infer. He is explicit in his hatred. Ben Affleck called him a bigot on that very panel.

They resolved themselves to abandoning so much of season one that didn't work that I think they went too far. It's like Caroline said, they need to find a balance between the DEO and Catco not just for Kara but for James as well. This guardian thing is so ill conceived that I fear it will go the Laurel route rather

We'll have lunch by the sea. It will be grand.

I have very little patience for toilet humour as well, but what saved it for me was Maya. She is delightful.

His cover up of the Green Arrow's responsibility is at once obvious and clever. Oliver will kick himself for not seeing it sooner.

There are more practical reasons for not locking up Laurel, different though she is, in a government facility. And seeing Ollie understandable but dangerous reaction to her, Barry's reticence seems reasonable to me.

Rafael was sleazy. Petra is a participant in and accessory to several crimes.

A child in his current run recognised him.

It seems like such an odd choice. He has Supergirl's surname and no one even mentions it.

I feel like this is exactly the kind of show that can get away with a really weird reference.

Where's the Bathroom is my pick for best song. The joke just builds and builds. Most songs repeat the same (excellent) joke. It's so dynamic and tight. I love it so much.