The difference in milliseconds on a controller in Destiny is nothing like CS:GO or other PC shooters. And I’m sure you do just fine. But in terms of professional level FPS play, and even MOBAs, age is very much a factor.
I’m not sure what kind of answer “Drowning” was looking for asking someone relationship advice who 1)does not share the same faith convictions or 2)ascribes to a “whatever feels good/works for you philosophy” or 3) isn’t even a doctor.
It’s a really, really mean kitty.
Boy I can’t wait to hear the non-Destiny playing crowd on this one:
Nope. Sorry. You do not punish players who exploited a terrible bug you let slip through. You fix the bug as fast as possible, but you DO NOT punish players for taking advantage of your bad QA.
Its easy to hate on BvS.
Its not my favorite by any means, and I’d totally give a lot of the critics their flaws in it, but I still can’t bring myself to say its a complete travesty like many on this particular media network would have you believe.
Also, you’re right Age of Ultron was effectively a ‘good’ Transformers…
Guys I think I need help, I saw Batman V. Superman over the weekend and I didn’t.......... hate it...
Just enjoy the shorts then, they’re free. :)
Thog love kitty. Kitty Thog friend. Thog and kitty always together. Thog name kitty Phsteven. Good Phsteven.
C’mon. You know it was much worse then with all the chromium foil hologram polybagged bullshit.
You seem to be implying that Batman is personally deciding the fates of these criminals. He captures them, and then brings them to law enforcement to allow the law to decide what their sentence should be. The people get to vote public officials into office who then make adjustments to the current system to match the…
Mod DB is one of the best places to download fan-made add-ons, and every year, the community votes on their…
There has been an awakening.
“I can already see the scene,” he said, chuckling. “Elena says, ‘Where do we go now, Drake?’ And he’s like, ‘THE MOON.’ And then Sully’s in the background saying, ‘You’re goddamned right we’re going to the moon, kid.’”