
Are we sure shes not a bit older?

I can count the number of people I know who married their high-school sweethearts on the fingers of one hand with enough spares left over for the rings of every human Green Lantern.

So its a normal-ass cat.

as of this post (my own), theres only 5 critic reviews, 3 bad 2 good, thats...just not enough to call it universally bad. Lets wait a little longer, eH?

Really? Thats an awful headline, the entirety of the trailer was mostly ‘fun’ and ‘heres our villains being action-y’. Way to lead the audience there.

Look I get expectations need to be held in check, but lets be honest, this trailer is a breath of fresh-air after BvS.

  • The Shadow talents “Legacy of the Void,” “Reaper of Souls,” and “Fortress of the Mind” have been removed so as not to cause confusion with expansions for other Blizzard titles.

I’ve personally felt the bite of the ‘burnout’ as far as being a streamer. Also the sting of being forced into a corner with content.
A somewhat quick story:
I started streaming on twitch around october 2014 (13?), I had it in my mind I could be like a lot of my favorite streamers (like Day9!), only I thought I could

Its easy to hate on BvS.
Its not my favorite by any means, and I’d totally give a lot of the critics their flaws in it, but I still can’t bring myself to say its a complete travesty like many on this particular media network would have you believe.

Also, you’re right Age of Ultron was effectively a ‘good’ Transformers

For a while now its felt like TWD and A Game of Thrones have been in a race of chicken to see who goes ‘over the top’ more. The last season of AGoT I started to feel how you do now. TWD for whatever reason has been easier, maybe because the horror themes make it more okay for me to digest since they’re more of random

Thats vaguely what I’m saying. The characters change and evolve so much, little details, big details.

Either we can just go with it, accept reboots as they are because these comics are constantly changing, and the continuity is virtually pointless, or accept the changes simply for what they are. New writers are going

Depends on ones criteria for reboots. In Marvel’s case no, the universe is still ‘the same’ except pretty much if not all the characters aren’t in their most recognizable form. Granted they weren’t before secret wars, but most of those stories felt like they were treading water until secret wars ended, and are just

I can give you that, I don’t quite believe it either, other than I haven’t seen a performance DROP.

That said, the only other argument is, *its bethesda*, the company notorious for buggy, potentially broken, and somewhat unpolished (in specific respects) games. Its entirely possible that they ditched the textures for

I can’t speak for the performance bit, as I haven’t noticed any drops or real performance increase. But I have the linked mod installed and it really does look fantastic.

I guess my real point is, is that if this mod doesn’t impact performance, then its something that could actually fly well on consoles. But I

Theres a separate mod that more or less ‘unlocks’ the full textures that in are in the game files actually.

The honest truth is that far more people want to see the steamers/youtubers reaction no matter how mundane. If you want new people to watch your videos, the best thing you can do is have a cam. Having streamed off and on for the better part of two years (trust me, I’m super small fish) I always had more moderate

Yes, its happened before and better done, but I don’t think it really takes away from *this* moment. Because well, this moment feels like its not supposed to be *the* confrontation just *a* confrontation, that would likely happen when batman gets god-like powers.

I truly, desperately want this game to be ‘real.’ I just get vibes like we’re only going to get half of what we see in it, and that the end result won’t be near as awe-inspiring. Like an over-promised Molyneux-style buzzword generator.

I hope I’m wrong, I really do but I can’t shake the feeling.

Oh it is in the typical rpg-style meta way, the game itself then just pokes the 4th wall a bit with it is all :)

There is a point in the game where you can unlock a ‘hidden’ area of a mission. Ghost then remarks about getting new pants.

The lack of content was certainly a criticism of the first year, but Taken King has more or less fixed that in so many ways. Even diehards are still finding things to do.

As for secret things? Not every game is going to divulge everything in marketing, things like this reward dedicated players and give casual players