
You watch Riverdale, too? Am I the untethered you?

Things I really liked about Gotham:

DC adaptations constantly seem a little bit embarrassed that they have to tell stories about superheroes, and consequently seem to feel that if they just avoid having anyone refer to the invulnerable character with laser vision and ice-breath wearing a red and blue spandex-and-cape ensemble as “Superman”, it’ll all see

I’ve been viewing this show as Batman ‘66 with a Burton overlay (and Nolan violence) since somewhere in the second season, and it’s what’s made me love the show. My immediate thought after the episode finished was that now they need to make a movie, and it should be a straight remake of the Batman ‘66 movie. A series

I have literally no problem with Gotham being an elaborate stealth prequel to Batman 66. Penguin, Riddler and Jermiah feel like pretty natural precursors to their 66 counterparts im the best possible sense.

A femme fatale battle Elektra-style is my new lifeblood. Now how long before we get a Kill-Bill-esque katana-off

One last time, for posterity’s sake.

The peculiar thing about Gotham is that despite supposedly being a massive Batman origin story, the actual Batman stuff was always the weakest part.

If they’re as casual as the CDC was about that quarantine, I doubt they’ll be much help. They’ll probably end up joining.

Yes, especially since an autopsy would easily prove that the guy was on not only drugs, but contaminated drugs. But this is a storyline that hinges on Archie LEAVING THE DRUGS IN HIS LOCKER instead of flushing them, so tah-dah!

I can’t imagine they’ll be any help given how authority figures on this show are.

Edgar has some balls to say that he has everyone she loves in the farm. If he got Jughead and Veronica into the farm, she would definitely join. But to join for her torturous mother and alleged BFF Kevin? Looks like Edgar doesn't know Betty that well after all. 

His club house that everyone forgot about.

I REALLY want a prequel spin-off about Penny trying to leave the Serpents and make good by going to law school, only to get drawn back into the life. However, she didn’t have her usual spitfire this episode (or maybe was just out-spitfired by Gladys), which was a disappointment. I know she wants revenge on Gladys and

Seriously, that woman never learns.


Eventually just shows up as a severed head trying to kick everyone’s ass.

Yeah he’s old enough to be her brother.

Yeah the Pussycats just kind of disappeared, probably for the best considering everything that has happened.

Crossover idea: Penny can replace Earth 2 Laurel Lance as the DA on Arrow