
They were robbed of that Academy Award (for the song “Blame Canada”), and I was delighted they responded with an absurdly over the top mean mockery of Phil Collins.

They might not be the cause, but they are a fantastic example of false-equivalency-run-amok. Nihilism is incredibly annoying.

No, I don’t think so. Parker and Stone want to have it both ways. Biting satire and also complete irreverence. But their nihilistic libertarian views shrine through pretty frequently. They’re whole thing is “we’re too cool to care”. It can be funny, but it can be pretty troubling too.

Its not afraid to take shots when one side is straight up wrong.

More “Everybody sucks”.

Doesn’t South Park usually take the view of “there’s blame on both sides”?

Their only sin, really, is caring about anything. It’s like, chill out, dude. Nothing matters, can’t you see?

As South Park has taught me White Supremacists are just as bad as everyone else.

I think it says even more that it took five elections to get rid of Arpaio. There’s something rotting in the core of our country, and people like Joe are just symptoms.

His victims deserve justice. That’s worth pursuing. I’m sure that to them, his pardon is not something that ‘matters the least’.

Thanks, but we can all decide for ourselves what is and isn’t worth caring about.

I agree. It’s impossible to be concerned about more than one thing.

The thing is it isn’t even “getting with the times” — it is just understanding what Democrats are about. It isn’t about Millennials being more open to socialism — People like Bernie aren’t socialist in any meaningful way — they aren’t going to forbid free enterprise or nationalize all industry or anything— it is just

So, what’s left of the Commentariat, what are y’all’s verdict on this? Generally Ryan Murphy starts really strong but loses everything by the halfway point. Last season was just shit from the word go, though.

She’s already here and has a life. She’s paying taxes. I don’t think you’re putting yourself in her shoes. When you’ve lived in America almost your whole life, you’re American regardless of where you were born. We can’t just take someone who has been here since they were a baby and throw them into a country where they

Your opinion that DACA is unconstitutional is just that - your opinion. And since you aren’t a federal judge, your opinion s irrelevant. It’s also wrong, in my equally irrelevant opinion. DACA’s legitimacy lies in the long established executive prerogative to set law enforcement priorities.

Exactly. The Presidentiary Branch has zero leeway in interpreting and carrying out the Laws of this Nation.


It seems like he did read it, and applied his usual Bizarro Trump logic where he has to do the opposite of everything Obama did or said:

ah. Niche in this context usually means small and isolated as much as anything else.