
Ghost photos have always fascinated me. You can tell at first glance that these were double-exposures as the (so-called) real ghost pictures that are taken today look like light blobs. If a spirit is a manifestation of energy then you would expect that energy to show up as heat or light or possibly a EMF. Ghost

Maybe because Nokia knows how to build phones right since they hardly ever die, unlike iPhones which crack and die with the first drop.

@Ian Logsdon: But the fact that so many people are bemoaning the death of that concept should tell Microsoft something - like maybe they were onto something good?

@BeefSupreme: It must be preference - I like the etched glass, myself. It looks classy.

@crazypills77: On the Apple site, a 27" iMac with Core i7 runs $2,199. And no 3D or touch screen. By all means, pay more for a lesser system.

Those weren't ninja stars... that was the new Japanese iPod Nano!!! Someone go dig thru the airport trash!!!

I'll bet he doesn't care one bit if he was banned. In fact, this will escalate him to uber coolness in the UK scene. Might even get lucky a few times over it.

If you can afford a Tesla then you can afford to be smug. Why not show it off with a Vanity pl8?

@Enochrewt: Not the ones who are stacked. :)

Getting a "Video not available" error. Is this a dead link?

iPhone has a special button (hotspot) that makes it transform into not-a-phone. Oh come on! You knew someone was going to inject an Antennagate comment in here somewhere!

@smithr: Wipers on the hooters! I'm in love...

Sad. Faith in a religion that honors one's passing by celebrating their life would help this guy with his death fetish in a big way.

"CAN'T" be evil? Are you drunk??? Posessing the world's information is absolute power, and absolute power corrupts, absolutely. There are no exceptions.

@A.Jaswal: Right. Because better products are always unnecessary. *blatant sarcasm off*

If the rest of the post is not there to support the weight of the top piece then why aren't the wires sagging? That thing has got to be heavy enough to pull down on the wires.

@Gigglebox: If it had been Apple, Jobs would have threatened the employees with their jobs. "Get out there and dance you MoFos!"