
@iScuba: That was cocky? Seriously? Because the "I'm a Mac and I'm a PC" ads were just so warm and fuzzy, and was totally not intended to trash the competition, huh? Lighten up.

So what are you saying - if we truly owned the software then the source code would be made available to us? No. You buy chicken from KFC but they don't give you the colonel's secret recipe.

It takes the patience of a saint to love a geek? I guess you're right. Because we all know that it takes zero patience for a woman to love an alcoholic, a drug user, a sports nut glued to ESPN all day or worse - someone who lives in fantasy football land. And what's even worse - geeks tend to make a lot more money

Hey, Jesus. I'm pretty sure the intent wasn't to make people "ditch their iPhones and Blackberries to get their new cellphone". I'm pretty sure it was a celebration for all the hard work they've done and they're pretty damned proud of it. I'm pretty sure they don't give a hoot if some prick with a holier-than-Apple

@shockwaver: gebinsk is right. A company can only piss on its customers for so long before those customers migrate elsewhere.

This is easy. Steve's phone, Steve's app playground, Steve's rules. What you want = irrelevant.

Funny, I'm willing to bet everything that had Microsoft or Sony had released the same watch with the same limitations, like earphones being plugged in and not able to run apps, the author would have been ripping the device a new one and telling us how horrid it is.

Scotch, scotch, scotch... I love scotch...

@ddhboy: I have to agree with bdkennedy1002. Stay out of trouble and this isn't an issue. And as for a platoon of soldiers coming by the house, I don't mind, so long as they put everything back the way it was when they found it.

@Bubbleman!: I don't think so. I'm buying one this holiday season.

@Machine-code: Did you miss the part where I said "Aside from the fact that you can't choose your search engine"...?

@WizardsPajamas: Yeah I find that kind of funny, too. I picture a NASA tweet to go something like:

@tomsomething: That's it! This is a non issue because there are no asteroids coming close, only asteriods!

@ottermann is a dumb name: "If it survives our atmosphere, it would only destroy a small city, at worst"

Uh - bias much? Aside from the fact that you can't choose your search engine, what's wrong with Bing? Oh wait, I know - it's a Microsoft product so that automatically makes it crapware, right?

This is what a non-disclosure agreement is for. If HP didn't have the guy sign one then it's their loss.

We just need to privatize space exploration. That's all.

@Tom_Servo: Well if they're going to be cunts about it then they probably could, LOL!

@chodaboy19: I'm amazed you even had to ask this question. You want a government that machine guns Tibetan monks for protesting to lead the rest of the world technologically? Come on - I know you aren't THAT daft.