
I figured it was something to do with FCC regulations, but this is a great write-up, nonetheless. Also, the use of legos in the photo is key. We need more lego gadgets. A lego cell phone. Lego USB. Lego laptops and GPS!

@chlkaufman: But isn't it ironic? If the NYT does start reviewing e-books then they will be helping to demolish the paper/ink era that they currently use. I wonder if the NYT is ready to go all electronic?

@Steven Callas: Perhaps you should give this piece of advice to the author of this so-called article?

S wht's th pnt f ths rtcl wth ths stpd pctrs? T th thr: s t t try t mk y fl bttr bt yrslf t th xpns f smn ls r s Mcrsft jst th pnchng bg vryn s sd t? r cld t b tht Mcrsft rlly hs smthng gd bt t hppn nd yr Mcrsft-htng g frths t th mth wth nvy? thr wy, ths s lm ttmpt t cmdy nd cnnt strss th wrd "LM" ngh.

@straightbuggin: A year, ten years, it won't matter. Kanye has branded himself a douchebag for life.

@ECAsh: Yes, I want you to post it and prove it. You are talking trash and posting BS and I'm calling your bluff.

FU Kanye. People think you're an angry black man because you ARE an angry black man. No excuses for who you are or what you did. You just suck in the worst possible way - like "Westboro Baptist Church" kind of suck - that's how low of a human being I see you.

@siwex80: Of course "Wired!" is going to defend Google. The two companies are practically in bed together. Both make the bulk of their money from advertising. What's good for Google is good for most tech magazines.

@ECAsh: Bullshit. Just plain bullshit.

@uncle_jojo: Steve J gave you the finger and you're still hopeful, huh? *shakes head*

Way to douche out, Steve! Guess you didn't learn by dissing on Flash that Adobe hates you now; by dissing on Android Google hates you now; by dissing on Facebook they are going to hate you now. Sounds like you're well on your way to becoming what Microsoft was in the 90's. Piss off enough of these powerful companies

@XerxesQados: Burn? I doubt Google cares about being friends with Apple.

@NuevoLeon aka MiRod407: Way to take the focus off what Boomdiggity said in his original post, which was spot on.

A separate MP3 device (Zune) for me is essential as our car has Sync. The Zune stays plugged into the center console compartment via USB and gets taken out once a week to update the certificates because of Zune Pass.

@cfJeff: How about what Google does with your private data?

@sdotbailey2: What, they appeal to manufacturers and consumers by pointing out the shortcomings of their competitor's product? OH THE HORROR OF IT ALL!!! Seriously - all businesses do this. You just suffer from Microsoft hate and could do with some counseling (seriously).

@Vidit: Shortsightedness. What affects manufacturers affects consumers, mostly in costs.

Considering all the tablet machines due out this fall one would have to be a true Apple fanboy to go ahead and buy an iPad instead of waiting to see what the competition comes up with. You never know - someone might actually do something better than Apple.

@JS_Drupal: True. Especially since we know the Titanic was on its way down in two large pieces. Crap probably spilled out the broken ends like sugar from a spoon.