
@xaronax: How are two guys supposed to have kids? And no, adoption isn't the same.

They say you joke about stuff you really believe in, at least on some level. I think this guy really feels that way about privacy.

Definately a Darwin Award winner. Stupid idiot.

I wonder how many iPhone users would never give this device serious thought this just because it would 'uglify' their phone...

You don't need a weather app to see if it's raining. Just hold your phone out and see if it gets wet. DUH! :)

This SHOULD qualify for a Darwin Award.

I've always found the concept of 'privacy' in the "Age of Information" to be an oxymoron. People demand more information, yet they expect privacy at the same time. Sorry, the two don't play well together.

@Ben R: "The left half of Bugorski's face swelled up beyond recognition, and over the next several days started peeling off, showing the path that the proton beam (moving near the speed of light) had burned through parts of his face, his bone, and the brain tissue underneath" - Yikes.

Bury the lines? Wait until a bunch of bored backhoe operators get a hold of those.

He needs to test this on an iPhone and iPad.

I'll give the Stargate winner one day before they start complaining that it doesn't really work.

@snwbrdr1310: Why the hell should they??? PCs still outnumber Macs and with a Mac you can just run Boot Camp to install Windows.

Hey, Kat - you sound like you got your Androidal feelings hurt by this statement. So a soon-to-be-ex Nokia exec doesn't think Android is worth a flip. So what? The Android crowd is quickly becoming the same kind of fanboys they used to make fun of with Apple.

If you use Twitter, you deserve to get hacked. That's not a troll, either - that's just the truth.

Anyone naive enough to hand over money for this is the same kind of person that would spend actual money on fart and flashlight apps for their phones.

@SKiTz: Yeah, funny thing about that. Some people expect a phone to get/make phone calls and that's all they want to use it for. Heathens.

"I have seen a lot of technology for the blind, and I can safely say that the iPhone represents the most revolutionary thing to happen to the blind for at least the last ten years." said Austin Seraphin as he cashed his testimonial check from Apple.

"We at the Apple App Store reserve the right to reject any app without good reason and pull any app for any reason we see fit. We reserve the right to treat you unfairly and trash your emails and evenc call you names should you not take our final answer as the last word. We reserve the right to email you with "Fuck

@Chernobyl: Yeah, because stealing makes you a great person and just so cool.