
@vinod1978: Of course we have. That's called collateral damage. What, would you have the entire punishment system done away with because the system isn't perfect? What's next after the death penalty is done with? Do we stop incarcerating criminals because an innocent may be taken away from their families wrongly for

@DroidCLHFan: Then that is the fault of the legal system. Guilt is supposed to be determined when there is exists no reasonable doubt that the accused did commit the crime.

What they SHOULD do is allow the family member of a murder victim the privilege of pulling all levers and then default to the warden or a state employee if the family declines. Since 80% in Japan agree with the death penalty, most of them would probably see justice in doing so.

@Red_and_Dead: And releasing a dangerous criminal back into society - what does Stirner call that? Good judgment?

@Gary_7vn: Oh whatever. By whining like hippy about "intent to kill" you completely ignore the victims of these crimes. You can take your "moral sense" and shove it.

@vinod1978: Evidence, sir. And the decision about the death penalty should be made the same way the U.S. makes the decision - does the person not show any possible means of remediation? If no, then let the punishment fit the crime.

@Gary_7vn: So what? Was the man guilty of his crime? If yes then the punishment and your so-called torture was justified, IMO.

@Gary_7vn: Good for them! Maybe if the liberal crazies had not infiltrated this country the U.S. would not be a cesspool of violence. There is much to be learned from Japan.

@GizmoTron9000: I'm not opposed to the death penalty at all. Show me some scumbag who has killed a child and I'll show you a man who truly deserves to die.

@uspc40: So what's a valid excuse for being a serial killer? Or a child killer? Can the liberal hippie crap.

@vinod1978: And we wonder why the economy is in the toilet?

All these negative comments about an APPLE product? Come on fanboys - I'm disappointed!

@Hello Mister Walrus: That comment was about as stupid as saying everyone who wants a white iPhone must be a Klan member.

Their marketing will do fine as long as they stay away from Jerry Seinfeld ads and anything that has to do with pink bunnies.

If commercialized anti-gravity ever makes a debut then I'll say that will be the most world-changing invention of all time. For now, I am going to say that the most important invention this century will be the space elevator, largely possible because of carbon nanotubes, which have been around since the 1950's.

Someone forgot to set him on fire at the very end.

@empty.bin: Tornadoes love to DESTROY trailer parks. Big difference. :)

If this is true, then it's a case of Apple stealing an idea from the Zune music software. You can do all of the things the article talks about now with the Zune social.

Dumping billions into the phone... excellent! This is yet another win for consumers. I hope a good portion was dedicated to the Win 7 Phone app store.