
@vinod1978: Have to agree with Vinod. You can't let fear drive improvement of cars and other vehicles just because of security reasons. If anything, this is a kick in the tail to the manufacturer to make security that much more airtight. The consumer wins again!

My wife has a Ford Edge with Sync now. It's funny how you don't think something like this would be that much of a draw until you've used it. The hands-free angle is amazing and I hate that my truck doesn't have this kind of control.

@LAGamer: I hope the search feature will search all of the Netflix database and not just the titles shown in the on-screen selections.

Missing: Contact, Soylent Green, Aliens, Signs (If an alien invasion did happen this is very likely how it would happen), and the original War of the Worlds (not the remake).

@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: I loved the Jurassic Park books but the movies were travesties of translation to the big screen. I enjoyed the first movie but would hardly call it a classic, unlike the book which is, IMO, a timeless classic.

If it costs 10 times less to stream a movie then why the hell doesn't Netflix improve their streamed available titles? As it is right now there are so many movies I would love to put in the instant queue but can't.

@Channan: " You can't honestly say you don't want one if you can't shut up about it. " - yeah, I really can say that I don't want one. And IMO anyone sporting one in public is like the guy who drives a Hummer - more money than brains and overcompensating for shortcomings (in the case of the iPad it's intellectual

@crazypills77: Yep, it's really called for. The iPad is an over-glorified wind up toy.

@RenRen: Agreed. Giz isn't for spamming your app. Take it to a site that's meant for showcasing your apps.

I dare you to go smell her and find out.

@Daveinva: How does one swallow a Barbie doll? It's not like those things are small.

A bound and gagged Barbie doll??? WTF!!

@Lactose_The_Intolerant: From someone who has lost a friend to a drunk driver I say to you: right on, man!

@Roger_Wilco: Have to agree with you. The author admitted to being a total dick by texting while driving and tried to justify it using a 'family emergency'. It's never okay.

@iTofu 3GS has no reception problems: The answer is cars that drive themselves or use autopilot. I think one day in the future roads will have a specially painted stripe that contains some metallic compound which the undersides of cars will use to stay on the road and drive themselves. Coupled with GPS, the car can

@JibbyJam: The above post by LaneWinree was meant for you. And I have to agree with them. Your comment is not only lame, but short sighted and smells of Microsoft hatred.

@hawkeye18: Maybe, but they still rock.

There is only one real solution besides not texting and that's cars that drive themselves, ala 'Demolition Man' because people won't ever stop being fucking stupid behind the wheel.

@krosref: " there's nothing special about being a parent. literally, everyone can do it and most do it reasonably well" - you must not be a parent or if you are then you're the worst kind of parent imaginable. You become a parent and hold that precious baby in your arms for the first time and you say it's nothing