
No, this sounds about right for the average psychosis level of an Apple fanboy.

Love it! ANY video showing the death of an iPad is worth watching!

Going all out for the release, aren't they? I'll bet the app store for Win 7 phone launches with a crapload of titles as well. Go ahead and call this phone a failure - I'll be laughing at you in a few months.

Ugh, that echo effect is gay as hell! Otherwise it's a great listen.

@KamWrex: I'll back you up on that. In my night classes at college I see a lot of people with laptops or netbooks, but mostly netbooks. I've yet to see one iPad in any of my classes.

Just bought my netbook for $299 and I couldn't be happier. It does everything an iPad can do and it does it well.

No way would I spend $2k on any device. And no way, even if it were reasonably priced, would I want a f**king Apple logo on a TV in my living room. The idea of Steve Jobs' goons watching my family through the built-in camera makes me ill. And I wouldn't put anything of the sort past a complete goon like Steve Jobs.

I love the picture! Anytime I picture Steve Jobs it's of him giving Apple customers and the rest of the world the bird.

@m57: Have you? Then how do you know the number isn't fake?

@FriedPeeps: Yeah, I love how Jobs became a "resident" of Tennessee just to get his name at the top of the organ donor transplant list. That's some guy to idolize, all right. *blatant sarcasm off*

I call BS on Steve Jobs' numbers. You don't run a business with the horrid "my way or f**k you" attitude he does and keep the respect of your employees.

No STDs from drinking beer. Winner.

Mark my words - Google and Verizon are going to use this to gimp other carriers somehow and force Apple and other phone manufacturers to play by their rules or else. I see this as the beginning of a long, huge legal WAR between Apple and AT&T vs. Google and Verizon. And consumers are the ones who are going to get

Hawking is right. You would do well not to scoff at him. Earth has 7 billion people now and is expected to have 25 billion by 2050? Overcrowding, disease, hunger will plague the Earth unless humanity suddenly decides to grow up and become responsible. Given people's actions in governments around the world, today, I

I wonder if Microsoft will pick him up?

What's even more interesting to me is not that Saudi did this, because I believe are one of the more strict countries in the world when it comes to human rights - but that others are about to follow suit, including India! I wonder how an action like that would hurt India-U.S. business relations?

Funny how most of you think this is some sort of joke because "no sensible person would hate Apple products!". Is that right? Sorry, but Apple products are crap. How many times have you had to exchange your iPhone? Your iPod? I rest my case.

@iElvis: A letter like this would make me not only leave the ad up longer but respond to the request with a photo of me pissing on an iPad.