
@Dayv: You're just so trigger happy to label someone a hater, aren't you? I think the judge overstepped his bounds. Make no mistake - this will go to the Supreme court. Proposition 8 will be found constitutional as marriage, if the court sees it as a right, will be deemed a state's right, not a right guaranteed by the

So they have an arc-touch mouse coming. That doesn't mean that pic is an arc-touch mouse. As you said, the object in the pic is flat, not arc'ed.

@Brookespeed: Ask Jason Bateman... this happened to him while standing in line for his iPhone 4. He was escorted to the front by Apple Geniuses and had no problem going first.

@Bailen: You're right, it was the latter I believe.

@Dayv: No, no agenda. I still believe the judge practiced political activism from the bench. But I expanded on my views in response to other posts.

@se7a7n7: Yep. I believe it's a privilege. I'm all for "same sex unions", but traditional marriage is defined as one man, one woman and should be left that way.

@tucker augie'ben'doggy: Some are designed for durability. Jobs claimed the glass was tougher, but that's proving false. There is an expectancy of the consumer that the device retain some form of durability which includes being able to drop it from a certain height.

@se7a7n7: So where is it specified that marriage is a "right"? Or is that also implied?

There's a snarky iPhone "catching on fire" joke in here somewhere...

I'm not commenting on the merits of the law itself, but what I find frightening is that a judge can overturn any law they feel should be overturned, even though it was approved by a majority of the people. If anything, this sets a dangerous precedent. What's next: People vote "no" to a proposed tax hike and a judge

@AreWeThereYeti: Well I have not bought a Nook yet, but you believe it would not be a good idea?

George Lucas is on the pledge list and no, Steve Jobs and Wozniak are not (not surprisingly), but neither is Steve Ballmer. And good for Bill Gates to do this. With that much money in your vault how could you possibly spend it all on yourself before you die? Giving it to a worthy charity and those in need is the best

@smegz & MNITA: Thanks for the replies. Anytime someone talks about changing the management you have to wonder about the future of existing departments.

Make those pipes metal and I'm sold. :)

Serious question: Does this mean buying a Nook now would be a really stupid idea?

@Everybody: That's probably covered in the EULA (license agreement) that came with the device with regard to the app store where by opening the box or using the app store that you agree not to get third party content from anywhere else. To me it smacks of anti-trust and I wouldn't be surprised if a lawsuit about the

Again, it's Apple's store and they can do what they want. You have the power not to buy their apps and hardware as a sign of protest, but you know you won't because those of you with Apple products can't bear to part with them.

@Deven Harris: Sorry, but if you don't have common sense enough to go out in public without looking like a freaking loon or even looking inappropriate in a family store then you deserve to be made fun of. These people get no sympathy from me. A little common sense goes a long way.