
@bsnguy: Thank you. At least there is one rational individual in this thread besides myself who has thought this through.

My first thought is the Microsoft SPOT watch. If that failed, why would this be successful?

Wonder how long it'll take until someone removes the laser from their new player and figures out how to cut down a tree with it?

@JDickson87: You talking about cloud-based storage? Bandwidth is going to be the biggest hurdle to overcome. The entire nation needs an infrastructure of fibre-optic to replace dated metal wiring. That's going to take years.

@trs: No way. This is Apple we're talking about. They are immune to derision.

I wonder if the gap above the antenna will be non existent with the white phone. "Hey! No bumper needed! Just go white!" Oh, the PR nightmare that would create...

You guys missed a golden opportunity to show off a certain someone wearing a turtleneck. I guess only his head would be tan.

@Quasigizmodo: Thank you! I was wondering what the caption above the first guy said. I was thinking beach cross-dressing.

@tekguy: You're post is also a bannable offense. I'd be more careful.

@vinod1978: Actually I'm not trolling. I'm dead serious about my opinion of how Apple should treat this case of blatant abuse. Even if it's not the popular opinion here, it's the right thing to do. Make an example of the kid and show that disregard of the rules won't be tolerated.

@Mactopia: Oh yeah, that bubble burst all right, with all that new money in the bank. You fail.

@Garion: Right, because SQL, Sharepoint, Visual Studio .NET and Silverlight are all failed ventures, as is Xbox Live. You're trolling and you aren't even that good at it.

Eh, nevermind.

Lots of Microsoft bashers on here, seemingly without any good reason other than kids who just want to look cool because they think it's cool to bash Microsoft. Bash Apple and immediately you're a jerk. Double standard anyone?

@Interstella5555: If it cut the price of a Mac in half because the cost was subsidized partly by ads, users would most certainly go for this. And they would get sick of the ads real quick.

@Arken: Careful, you're starting to sound an awful lot like Ted Turner who said skipping ads was "stealing".

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: So what's the answer? Trust that developers will honor the terms and conditions of publishing and make examples of those who intentionally abuse the system or start requiring source? If they don't take a hardline against devs who would willfully exploit the system then the problem

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: An intentionally hidden payload in source doesn't have to be destructive to be considered malware. Check out Norton's online virus reference and you will find references to hundreds of "viruses" that do not have destructive payloads.