
@darkpassenger: Wrong, not if it contained hidden source in an already compiled application. Maybe Apple should start requiring all developers to submit their projects and source and let Apple compile them prior to approval? That would clear up this problem.

@MooreAlabama: Oh I see - being 15 years old is a ticket to break any agreement you see fit, right? Might as well be a free ticket to break laws too while we're at it.

@Charliehorse: It is. But if you hide code inside your source that does something other than what was advertised, doesn't that sound an awful lot like a virus? I'm holding steady to the idea of prosecuting the little shit and making an example out of him to show other developers that this subterfuge won't be tolerated.

I think Apple should be not only taking the app down but prosecuting the developer of the app for being misleading and contrary to their rules. If they can't sue this punk kid, they should add something to the appstore dev guidelines that say something to the effect of "Apple reserves the right to sue your pants off

If anything is killing 3D it's the theaters charging almost twice as much for a ticket to a 3D movie than for a ticket to the same movie in 2D. They did that here with "How to Train Your Dragon" so I'm assuming this is being done elsewhere. 2D movie ticket price was $6.50 and the 3D ticket price was $11.00. We opted

This is pretty cool. Next they'll come up with a wireless computer system that makes use of entangled particles for data transmission (which is a fraction short of instantaneous).

Pssst... Giz, you know the XBox in that illustration is a first-generation XBox and not the 360, right? How old is this patent?

@kasualbrotha: Or possibly those guys were instructed to remove the cases from their phones prior to this press conference?

@coldfuzion: You have to remember - what you're seeing here are the building blocks of the basic UI for the phone. Microsoft provides phone manufacturers the tools they need to shape the software however they wish. I think this is a great, new start. Everyone is criticizing it now, just like everyone criticized the

@sweetelectro: And neglects to mention it was assembled in China. At a factory where employee suicides are a prime concern. But to hell with them, as long as Apple keeps turning a profit eh? That's Steve Jobs' definition of an American company.

@xaronax: He's got nothing. He's a fanboy or an Apple employee who gets his feelings hurt very easily.

@SuprXY: But you just promoted this idiot's comment... geeezzz :)

@JakeMertz: They didn't solve the issue, they offered a workaround. Bottom line - there's still a problem. Not hard to figure out.

Forstall just called the NYT story total bullshit.

@madara: Hey genius, here's a fix for you. Don't read the fucking articles if you don't like them.

@JakeMertz: No. There's still an issue and Apple didn't address it, they just put a bandaid on it.

@Dancing Milkcarton: He said "all smartphones" have the problem and called it a non-issue, saying half of 1% are seeing the issue and that the media was to blame for overblowing the issue. Sounds like a nice little bit of spin doctoring on Jobs' part.