
@daqman: The hell it was. The Giz coverage was the same as Endgadget and gdgt live's coverage. They told it like it was and didn't candy-wash it. Get over yourselves.

Jesus, your article forgot to mention that Apple will not refund the cost of third party bumpers and cases.

A fix that shows you four bars the whole time isn't really a fix.

State Fair of Texas! Yeehaw!

But pouring syrup on it voids the warranty!

This has still got "awesome" written all over it. My back yard needs this!

I get it - the guy standing beside the sign made damn sure to wear a black leather jacket so as not to be confused with "actual" nerds. Wait...

I, for one, hope that Apple's bubble does burst, if for any other reason than to teach the fanboys a lesson - that no company is infallible and no man is God, not even the mighty motherfucking Steve Jobs.

@ren0901: Keyword here is "shit". It's still not going to be pretty.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: If Apple willingly lies to you now, it begs the question - what have they lied about in the past?

@Tetsuooooooo: "And this man is writing a sensationalist story that is not relative to reality. " - unless you bought an Apple product that doesn't work out of the box as described.

@boslok: I don't see any hype or unreal expectations. I see stories where Giz is bring everyone the facts about what Apple keeps denying. How are any of those expectations unreal?

@AdamKaoru: Global Warming, of course.

Let me guess - when HP bought Palm they screwed up big time. Almost everyone laughed. But if Apple had done it the move would have been genius, right?

@samson7point1: iTunes? Wii? PS3? None of these are customizeable, either.

*Don't read the reviews**Don't read the reviews**Don't read the reviews**Don't read the reviews* - I'm trying really hard not to go read them. There would be just too much TMI in there...

Woz, that quote just made Steve Jobs do a *facepalm*. You were doing a better job in public on 'Dancing With the Stars'.

Hey fanboys, I guess this isn't so much a "non-issue" any longer now is it?