
@akacrash: Since we're still comparing software and hardware, I guess Newton doesn't ring a bell for you? Apple has produced many turds, and that was one of the biggest.

@Lübnah has an umlaut: Yeah, you don't see Microsoft producing commercials making fun of the iPhone4's problems the way Apple did with the 'I'm a Mac, I'm a PC' commercials did. It takes a lot of class to take the high road.

@DVoltaire: Well duh! What would you have them say? "Yes we admit Vista isn't our best work but just wait next year until Windows 7 releases!" That would be suicidal!

@comm0: Microsoft never denied there was a problem in the first place with the RROD. In fact, they coughed up over a billion to fix the problem and were not secretive about it. That's a good example of doing the right thing for the customer. What's Apple doing? Let's see - blaming the problem on holding the phone

This article fails to take into account how many people coinsidering piracy decided not to do it because of these lawsuits. There will always be piracy, but the real question is how many piracy incidents did the RIAA's lawsuits prevent? Good luck running the statistical analysis on that one.

@rrbeck: Indeed. If working conditions were truly as described in this article then it boggles the mind as to why there are suicides happening and in great numbers. Something doesn't add up.

@pixelpushing: Vista worked, too. It installed correctly, booted the machine and did everything I wanted an operating system to do. It just had these annoying little problems that made it undesireable to those who were affected by them. See the parallel?

@Lo0ods: Apple didn't hear you because your brown nose doesn't reach that far.

"Here, son. Why don't you go ride around the yard a bit?"

@gsh0ck: I would hardly call this "nothing".

Ah, yes. Ignoring and censoring a problem until it goes away. I'm sure that will work, Apple.

@berbar: Sure they are. That's why their stock is down almost $9 today, they are censoring discussions about the CR review of their new baby and they still recommend a condom, oh sorry, bumper (that they won't pay for) to fix their hardware problem. Yeah, that's a company that stands by its product all right.

@ACEACEACE: The key words in your sentence is "third party". Meaning if you experience a problem with those third party apps at any time you won't get support on them. Sounds like a great move by Microsoft.

This is real simple. If it doesn't work out of the box as intended without a case then Apple should be providing a case with the unit. CR was right not to recommend the product but they also should have done better testing before they slapped a "CR recommended" label on it. Seems like they fell into the same trap most

That's a remarkable find! It's not the first time treasure has been discovered in England. In this article, an Anglo Saxon treasure trove was also found by a man using a metal detector in England ([]

No thanks, Amazon. I'm going with the B&N Nook for Christmas gifts this year.

@Who the eff is GlassAdam?: I have to agree. When I see someone sporting an iPad out in public all I'm thinking is "Who the hell are you trying to impress?" iPad owners are nothing but lemmings jumping off the cliff, into the sea because Apple said the water was fine.

@Whooped.D.Dew: So much for stalking the Amish on the internet, eh?

It's an iPhone - it still won't make calls.