I thought maybe university students were the difference there, but it looks like 2013 shows only a little over 25,000 enrolled, so never mind.
I thought maybe university students were the difference there, but it looks like 2013 shows only a little over 25,000 enrolled, so never mind.
As a state government employee, in my case, the only way we would be allowed to partake is if it becomes legal federally. We are dependent on federal funds to run some of our programs, and the drug testing requirements for us are actually federally mandated. So. Still no fun for state level government employees as…
I miss working a job where they didn't give a shit what you did on the weekends. Stupid drug testing.
I admit I have a soft spot in my heart for Taco Bell. I went to a small state college in a town where just about everything closed at 9 p.m. except Taco Bell and Waffle House. I have many fond drunken memories of that Taco Bell (also some pretty entertaining ones from being the designated driver for 5 extremely drunk…
I wouldn't care. But I would be a little weirded out if I happened to be watching one day and my dad was in it or something.
I married the guy I lost my virginity to (we weren't married at the time I lost my virginity to him, by the way, that happened way, way later).
I didn't bleed either. Thankfully, it wasn't a big deal in my case.
As if this state doesn't have enough to deal with, we get them, too.
I'm pretty sure this policy only supports wealthy married women having sex. If you're poor you basically just don't get to do it at all.
I think that Janice has a kind of loud, say whatever she's thinking persona in general. People add that to the reality show and the thing where she (and others) calls herself the first super model, and assume she's an attention seeker. I don't know if she is or not, considering I haven't thought about her in awhile…
I think the topless photo incident caused her to put on a super boring front in public because she doesn't want the same attention Diana got. From the little I have heard about her from before she sounds like she would be super chill and interesting in her private life.
This strikes me as doing something to show they are doing something while not actually doing an effective thing. Like sting operations where they bust a lot of street level drug dealers while leaving suppliers free to continue supplying to new street level dealers. I'm sure there are a lot of issues with these…
I'm going with persona just because I refuse to believe people can actually function at the levels sometimes displayed on the RH shows.
Pippa's line about Kim's posterior exploding just made me think she was saying Kim had diarrhea all over the internet.
This is exactly what I was thinking.
Honestly, I've never used one. I'm just talking nonsense to hear myself talk. Most of the people I know who have used one reportedly asked questions about their own life, like who will I marry or when will I die, so that's what I went with. I appreciate the feedback from someone with more experience.
I wondered about this. For all I know he could have called emergency services, but it's not explicitly stated in the article. But then again, much as I am not a fan of Mayweather, maybe it's possible that he was in shock or that he didn't realize Hayes was as serious as he was? Then again, my default is to take it…
This is just a lawyer question because I watch a lot of tv about crime, but have no law degree...if Mayweather was FaceTiming the guy at the time of the crime and didn't call 911 when he heard what was going on can he be held responsible for that in some way (caveat: for all I know Mayweather is the one who called 911…