
I don't think there's any actual chili on it, which is confusing since chili is right there in the title. I think this is the equivalent of dumping a bag of fritos on a pizza. I don't understand why you would want to do that, but if you do I think it might be cheaper to just buy a Red Baron and a bag of chips.

Melissa Joan Hart was Clarissa Darling in the 90s. She explained it all to me and also made me want a pet alligator.

Apparently he also doesn't care what she thinks about him "trying to get back to her" since I seem to recall that she has expressly asked him to stop.

I saw a commercial for this just the other day. It is an abomination. It's obscene and it shouldn't be shown on television. Will no one think of the children?

From the Washington Post story, "Capt. Gary Pleasants of the Charlottesville police department said that detectives are looking into the allegations at the request of the university..." which I took to mean they were still investigating.

This would have appealed to me at 12 and I would have sneered at it at 15 and probably called people wearing it something in the vein of conformists or pod people or something.

I was thinking about this. Confusion about certain details doesn't mean that the rape didn't occur. She could be confused due to trauma, whoever attacked her could have lied to her, or she may have changed some of her story out of fear. I think the same thing is true today that was true before the retraction: it needs

I will unequivocally agree about the young people and that social media is a great way to teach them.

How many white people are truly that oblivious? White people who don't know mostly just don't want to know. I'm sure there's a few exceptions (as with everything), but mostly I think they are choosing to be blind to it.

I think this is true. I also think that a lot of those people who are oblivious to racism don't know because they don't want to know. This isn't going to change their minds.

Some days I think you might be me.

This is one of those irrational fears that I realize is irrational, but in the moment I get tongue tied or really weird. Like, for the most part I go about my life not reallying worrying about it because most people are not that interested in me. It's just him, for some reason.

In my day, I had to use a bag phone or a pay phone. That does not make me feel old at all. AT ALL.

This is my nightmare. I can barely talk to my cousin's husband because he's a psychologist so I believe he is analyzing me and for some reason I find that horrifying. The idea that even non-psychologist people can come to my home and analyze me may keep me awake at night.

That should not be true. I know nothing of this game. But that should definitely not be true.

I went to a private Christian school until 9th grade and we did not have this class or any kind of sex education. There was a very small class of seniors my last year there and every single one of them was pregnant.

This is my favorite thing.

My only experience of this is from the American version of the Office where Dwight has a guy coming in to play Black Pete at the office Christmas party and realizes at the last minute that it won't be well received.

All I really know of what Bill Cosby has done for African Americans is tell them to pull up their pants and take responsibility and accept that all of the crappy conditions in their lives are their faults. I don't consider that beneficial at all. Am I missing something about him that would support the claim that he

Sadly, I kind of saw that coming.