
My love for Paul Rudd is such that I am just going to report this as truth.

I'm thinking that could be a really effective way to get laid in the right circumstances.

I think it's because I am a fan of Neil Gaiman and I don't want to think that he supports this kind of bullshit or is associated with it in anyway. Unfortunately, he married her and that means he knows the crap she says and does and obviously doesn't have a problem with it. It makes me sad because it's definitely

I have been married for 9 years and I'm pretty sure my mom believes we have never had sex. So, I'm thinking it's not unlikely that she lied to mom about that.

Correction: I'm not sure anything besides AdultoSCARE is that cute.

I was like, okay that's kind of cute and catchy for raising money. And then I saw the bidding would open at $1 Million. It's not that cute. I'm not sure ANYTHING is that cute.

Wait. He just accused the unknown responder of heightism and then asked them to provide their own height in the response? Is it only heightism when it's done to him?

I mean, I feel like none of this applies to me as an individual? I spend less time getting ready than my husband, I hate pedicures, never get manicures, and the only reason my haircut is more expensive than my husband's is because he goes twice as often as I do (long hair, less cutting).

I know that I always like to be as specific as possible when I pray, so I say things like, "Please be with Mary Wilson at 716 Lot Street, " so that God doesn't get confused and think I'm praying for any other grosser, less deserving Mary Wilsons.

You are not alone.

I think there's the possibility that she wants him to pick and then doesn't like what he decides, and instead of discussing it with him or accepting it she just steamrolls over him. My grandmother used to do this to me - where do you want to eat? We'll go whereever you want, I don't care. And then I would pick a place

I like that my man is roughly the same size as me (5'7"). I've always liked smaller men. I think they're sexy.

Something about the "I want a man to lead me" and "when I try to submit" reminded me of the extremely conservative fundamental church I attended for a few years in my childhood. It's like a mish mash of the Duggars and a PUA. It's weird.

Nothing makes me want to get it on more than a reminder of large numbers of dead people except possibly the thought of bleeding from the eyeballs and copious amounts of vomit. Hott.


My husband got the diamond in my ring from my mother (not an heirloom exactly, but about the same age I am). He had it reset.

Horrible but effective.

"A doctor I know came up with it, but hasn't released it yet, so I don't want to tell you too much about it."

My cousin had them and basically had to throw everything away, including the carpetting, and just start over. Which is fine if you can afford it, but really, who can afford that?

One of my friends who is a nurse posted this on Facebook after we had a suspected case in my state.