
When it’s all said and done, there will be one giant company.

Capitalism is a cold blooded, amoral force. It doesn’t mean to destroy you. It is going to take what it wants, and it wants more. It’s dispassionate, patient, persistent.

Thank you, been saying this for over a year now.

Thing is, that’s never been the goal of capitalism. The end game was always going to be grabbing as much cash as you could and providing as little as possible in return. Which is why we need a government that will reign things in. People need to be able to pursue profit, but it’s reached the point where it’s a

Unfortunately that’s not capitalism. Capitalism is providing the barest of bones level of service and extracting as large of a profit as you can out of it. I’m sure there’s a term for what you remember, moral capitalism, luxury investiture, basic human decency, the common social contract, etc. But capitalism is a cold

Yet the same Nordic countries noted in the article that you linked, are also some of the happiest in the world. Norway and Denmark being 1st and 2nd respectively. Iceland is also mentioned in the article, which is in 3rd place. So maybe a greater focus on work/life balance plays a part.

Nah the biggest problem is that we don’t have proportional representation. Most of the electorate’s votes dont matter. I don’t blame people for not being eager to participate in our broken system.

What free market? There isn’t much left and most of it is in consumer electronics. 

Jesus FUCKING CHRIST. Why does EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE on this site have to have an immediate comment about politics? Does your type have no off switch? Do you look at every single event in your life through the lens of the current president and whatever they are proposing that day? Holy shit.

Oh. Capitalism. The answer is capitalism.

This year hasn’t diverged from average all that much comparatively.

I gotta think the sports industry is due for a correction at some point. Salaries, revenues and ad dollars can’t skyrocket forever ... can they?

Actually we get treated poorly by almost all of our major industries thank you very much! We’ve just decided to treat government like a business as well, hence its new hostile attitude towards its citizens.

I will have my popcorn handy. The folks who are currently applauding the death of the e-vehicle tax credit because ‘the market can’t make the business case for hybrids’ will be there stating that the oil industry needs to be propped up with my tax dollars to ‘preserve quality jobs’ and ‘maintain national security.’

There is no law against being that ignorant, but you really shouldn’t rush out and put it on display. Not one person is arguing that manmade climate change will destroy the planet. Not one. Life will continue, humanity may not. And if not, the blame can be placed squarely at the feet of the gleefully ignorant.

I completely disagree. Moving more to the center would cause Dems to lose elections at an even greater rank because it would alienate the base, keeping them from turning out. Ex-Republicans were never going to cross over if not in this past election.

God, remember back when we all thought she was just the battiest goddamned thing to ever come out of politics, and how it was amazing someone that unprepared for office was anywhere even near the presidency?

The only time John McCain was a good idea was when the alternative was George W. Bush.

Selecting Keith Ellison would be the rational, intelligent, wise thing for the DNC to do. I therefore expect them to go in a completely different direction.