
I think it baffles most people who live outside the US how we get treated like crap from pretty much every industry, but here people just see it as how the country works with few options to get things to change. It is frustrating for us, though.

I always thought of it as restrained capitalism. Capitalism is still doing its free market and seize-money-at-all-costs hoodoo, but the government had restrictions and regulations to protect citizens and consumers. It’s probably not an official or common term, though.

The lack of actual competition in some races, the scarcity of decent candidates,and lack of significant differences between the parties (and their respective candidates) are other big problems that we have. I usually write in the name of a dead historical figure or fictional character in races that only have one

Based on who I’ve heard the Democrats are floating for the 2020 election (Tim Kaine, Cory Booker, Mark Cuban, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton (AGAIN!)) and the way the Democrats are voting for some of Trump’s Cabinet nominees, I highly doubt they’re going to elect Keith Ellison. Most of the Democrats don’t seem to

That’ll take a miracle, since 90% of the Republicans, many Democrats, most of the 1%, and professional lobbiests have this kind of ideology. A lot of them will die off over the next 30 years from natural causes (a lot of them are baby boomers or older Gen Xers) but we don’t have that time to spare because extinctions

I’ll probably continue playing Ark: Survival Evolved this weekend. I just started exploring the northwestern part of the island due to finally getting enough pelt to make fur armor, and I want to tame a Brontosaurus so that killing large carnivores and moving through the swamps are a bit easier. I’ll probably tame a

Where were/are they supposed to learn it? They don’t really teach anything regarding civics or politics nowadays in high school, I’m pretty sure no one has a copy of “American Politics and Political History for Dummies” stashed somewhere in their house or apartment, the mainstream media isn’t explaining this to the

The only way I can see third parties becoming viable is all parties having a level playing field when it comes to campaign donations and media coverage, but that isn’t going to happen anytime soon with Citizen’s United and current norms. TYT and Secular Talk have both been talking about reclaiming the Democratic Party

The only way I can see third parties becoming viable is all parties having a level playing field instead of pay-to-play with campaign donations, but that isn’t going to happen anytime soon with Citizen’s United and current norms at the state and federal levels. TYT and Secular Talk have both been talking about

Yeah, both extremes have its pitfalls. It would be nice to fall somewhere in the center, but the Midwest apparently has this tendency to swing back and forth between the extremes every so often. At least we’ll still have our cheese, beer, football, and state parks whichever way the pendulum swings. Hopefully.

The downside to picking up Wisconsin is that we seem to have a knack for making and/or choosing idiot politicians to represent us, maybe because of the abundance of beer and cheese. If you do let us in, someone will have to keep an eye on us to make sure we don’t do something stupid like (re)electing Paul Ryan and

I envy both of you for being able to remember a time when Republicans gave some shits about the country. I hope I’m not the only one who never lived during the old Republican era but miss them anyway.