Blackbeard Ben

Well that's your problem, you need to go to the Toyota dealership, not the Toyote dealership!

Well, with those awful vinyl non-sport seats, the sensible thing to do is swap in some leather sport seats. I'd do that, no questions asked.

Dear Jason,

I don’t get this. To me it only says “I make too much money off of the commission you suckers pay me when I help you buy or sell your house.”

I’d like to know, too.

That is either the tiniest wheel or the biggest mirror...

Blackbeard Ben: “Uh-huh. So, that’s an average day for your cousin then?”

Now playing

Motorcycle engines seem to be criminally underrepresented here. I’ll start with a few:

Actually, I’m pretty sure that’s the bridge of the Enterprise-D.

The M54 is pretty much the high point in BMW reliability in engines, along with the next generation N52.

How dare they ruin a last gen 9-5 filming that!

Did anybody else notice that this article is precisely 23 months old?

Mmmm, light buckets!


That was more mind-boggling than the accident itself!  Then, he had video of it but left the scene without even leaving his contact info?

Looks like? Are you not sure?

The best I can come up with is that Mike Hailwood was famously mechanically inept.  But he was no primadonna.

Something something something looking California, feeling Minnesota...

I’m pretty sure the title to this article should be “How To Get Started Welding For Rust Cheap".

Having taken many business trips to India, my understanding (and experience) is that this is a huge part of why white is so popular in the tropics.  That and the perceived purity of white.