Oprah Winfrey's Vagina

You know this has actually inspired me to write a stage musical based on Stonewall. It’ll be intentionally campy while focusing on fictional characters but instead if placing them as the lead characters who start the conflict instead seeing the kind of people affected by it and how they were called to action

I feel like she's going about becoming White Oprah in a way Kris Jenner wishes she had.

Thank you.

I think the Supreme Court will have to rule in our favor because you cannot have something like marriage contract law NOT be uniform. They either have to rule completely against it or completely for it. The first option would not be something they could do without a severe backlash the second option although incurring

Pretty much. Places like Alabama pride themselves on being 'traditional' America despite tradition in America sucked for everyone who wasn't a white guy

Maybe he should discover bisexuality

Aw come on tell me you don't want a Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann ticket?

No because Ohio despite being the only state important in presidential elections is apparently more behind the times than Alabama and judges in fucking Ohio can't strike down the ban!

Finally gay southerners can marry their brothers and sisters.

Who is the black version of Christopher Walken that we can get to play Evilene in drag?

All I need is for the Spice Girls to secure their residency (since they are in talks) and for Beyoncé to stop playing with the media about her uterus and do a Vegas residency and my gay life will be complete!

Michelle knows about as much about Beyoncé as TMZ does.

Her parents can go straight to hell do not pass go do not collect a favorite thing.

If C.A. can irrationally dislike marshmallows I can put cheese on pulled pork! It's my right as an American and a Southerner!

I see that but I feel as if the fact she even HAS a Bill Cosby story is kind of telling there may be something to this. It seems like most of the women he went after were women who did not hold a lot of power at least not at that point in their careers. However Bill Cosby assaulting Kathy Lee Gifford would have been

Do we not go into the Wendy's now?

I love the Baconator. It's one of my favorite things. I always ask for a small container of the cheese they put on the baked potato with some sour cream. You top that on the Baconator and your mouth will sing as will your rectum.

Um I love cheese on pulled pork. It was delicious.

Well if Reese can blame her divorce on her picking shitty movies....

So does this mean she's also out of a job?