
Hardly “shitting” on Tesla there, you shouldn’t be so defensive.

Not really.

GM and Nissan have hardly committed in their own countries to EVs, much less elsewhere. The Leaf and Bolt/Volt have always been a part-time hobby for those two.

Why it’s their “most important car in decades” should be clear. They lost consumer confidence and sales due to Dieselgate for ICE vehicles. They’ve announced they want to sell 1.5 million EVs in 2025. That means they have to start selling them now to earn the reputation and EV brand loyalty (and also to work out bugs

I’m really, really rooting for the ID.3 to hit it off big. I’m not against Tesla but I think there definitely needs to be a middle ground between price/affordability and options for everyone, not just the wealthy or well-off.


Black controller w/black background looks more iconic and dramatic to me, sort of like the dawning of a new day/eclipse kind of feeling.

The same should also be repeated for the “White Hair” stigma as well. Black women and women of color from all countries have this drilled into their heads as well.


Someone needs to explain to him that just because people can’t see your lips moving when you talk because of the mask, we can still hear you.

I own a 2019 Bolt but my next EV will likely be a VW ID.3

Mickey Mouse just shat his pants a little bit.

Shoe: Sustainable.

Shoe: Sustainable.

It’s clearly an upgrade to any type of golf cart, especially a new golf car.

Pretty sure the reason Trump didn’t go inside was that he would have immediately burst into flames...

I’d like to see him crawl out of that bunker at night and take that same exact walk.

Maybe he actually remembers what today’s anniversary is and the windows was the last straw?

Looks like they bought a little too much into The System’s power.

Perfect timing! What better thing to spend an extra $1,000 on right now?

Something something Drake meme: