
Clueless Hero: Kill steal, lol? I highly doubt that warrior got the enemy down to 1 HP from range so... more like he was attempting to kill steal himself. At least that’s been my experience as a mostly ranged player.

“ which time, my house will hopefully be sold,...”

There are posts on Amazon that the DLC that you have to download has expired for the game (some say back as late as February), they also received European versions and exchange or return is prohibited.

There are posts on Amazon that the DLC that you have to download has expired for the game (some say back as late as

2nd Gear: I’ll admit, every time I hear about Trump not wanting to wear a mask, taking hydroxychloroquine, not practicing social distancing, etc I think “What a buffoon, doesn’t he know he’s probably going to catch this?”

You guessed it. Wasn’t sure if anyone else would.

That would be the perfect car for an all-electric conversion.

“Your mission, Peter/Micheal/George, should you choose/decide to accept it, is to facilitate Ghosn’s exit to Beirut from Japan. 

CP should be given simply because this car represents how the US got to where we are now. It fully encapsulates the “Greed is Good” generation. This car’s existence is a testament to why we now have slugs selling PPE masks up 1,000% and shitheels boosting prices of medicine by 5,000% like Martin Shkreli.

Well one thing’s for sure.. he sure acts like he’s anything but “Hooo-man”.

1st Gear/Neutral:

C’mon man. This is the USA. “Tacky Branding” is exactly what we are about and always have been. We are a nation of stupid slogans. Since the pandemic started (and even before), the way companies talk to the general public has always been at a child-like level who only understand sports metaphors or worse. Need proof?

Why don’t they do something like sell raffle tickets instead of an auction? It’s clear they’d get probably triple what they will from some auction. 

Don’t they realize if they catch the virus, that’s more reason for them to be denied release by the authorities?

True. He’s correct about Uber/Lyft being an alternative, but I think that solution fits a very small demo of folks overall.

“...depreciation costs...”

At that price, buy two Leafs (Leaves?) and park one as a scrapper.

“Frankly the build quality issues are way overblown. The way it’s reported around here ...” “and had a free Model S to play with for the weekend.” 

This explains it for me.

True not in every case, but I think Tesla generally will have brand loyalty built-in regardless.