Washington Redskins reply:
Washington Redskins reply:
Have to wonder if they sent that from the local pub while having a few.
Oh, so NOW they are all interested in EVs and have all these questions.
Just have the Tesla workers complain to their union offici... huh?
Meanwhile, back at the White House...
Just HOW SLOW was the pitch coming at :52?
“Roscosmos”. Such a funny word.
Seems fishy.
Xbox has less players than other platforms so.. surprise!... less griefers.
Wish this was in VR. I’d buy it.
“Unsurprisingly, the shoes didn’t exactly fly off shelves back in 1986,...”
Trump can’t tell the frocking truth whatsover to save his life. It’s smocking ridiculous and such a shameful covfefe.
The question Stahl should have asked:
Bullitt Reloaded: The Sequel
I would just settle for them getting proper distances correct in chase scenes.
It’s clearly an attention thing.
No worries. It’s 2018.
It’s okay. I heard they compensated her for one free dinner of choice at La Travestia Pasta House.*
Anyone still watching an Army-Navy football game in 2018 deserves that 8-minute delay in the first place, if not longer.