She’s mine too!!! I have a feeling it is... I used to be her cleaning lady ;)
She’s mine too!!! I have a feeling it is... I used to be her cleaning lady ;)
I'm really confused how she can travel internationally on shit retail pay, I cant afford to go to Wal mart; if I wanted to. I smell a trust fund...and republican upbringing.
Crap. I already have eczema, and my mom has Crohn's and autoimmune hep...My childhood friend who is a pediatrician says its still the best decision shes ever made. How many cycles did you do and how far out are you?
Can you tell me more about the accutane mess? Im 31, never have had "normal" acne ever. I have relatively "normal skin" most of the time. However, I have cystic acne, not a little zit you can pop and it goes away. They are giant subdermal cysts that will cover my whole chin/jaw and have to be injected with cortisone.…
data? Wtf? Google it douché lord. No ones making up $2.13!!! It's kind of a random number, no? The number is derived from half of minimum wage. And most of the time the server doesn't see it because the hourly wage goes to taxes, ss etc. Now, kindly go fuck people in the Netherlands, not here.
yeah, but you are an asshole that thinks people on public assistance need to wear burlap and eat wet cardboard and the occasional can if beans... Difference is we don't like you. We love The Gayasian
Ex-Santa Fean here- and NM in general has horrendous stats in substance abuse. Especially heroin and alcohol-Geographic isolation and it's poor economy has a lot to do with it, some people don't have anything to do but get F'ed up. I ran a bar and cops always told me no matter what time of day it is, one in four…