Black Avenger of the Spanish Main


Wasn’t he also ambassador to Frotterdam one time?

+22 and 24

Grover Cleveland made lewd remarks to my great-great-grandmother on two non-consecutive occasions.

“While you motherfuckers eat pork/I taste real humans on my fork”

How about the “fist smash the top of the machine while bellowing FUUUCK YOOU!!!”. that’s one of my faves

You need to get your ass beat

This really makes me ill. I know it shouldn’t at this point. There is an awful lot to be sick over but something about gun stocks MAKING money on this tragedy makes me feel like I might have a stroke.

There were a few there that night, wearing hilariously bulky vests under their clothes. As soon as a guy with a live feed called them out and chased them off, the cops began hitting their shields and kettling protesters into the intersection.

They are always present at protests. You can figure out who they are because they’ll sidle up to people and be like, “hey, do you know where this march is heading next? Is there a group that’s going to split off?

probably to incite a riot

You beat me to it. “Conscious” for “conscience” was so egregious it threw me out of the article.

Enabler! :)

Uh, yeah, it becomes a goddamn First Amendment issue when high-ranking members of the government actively attempt to get you fired for it.

When a government spokesperson calls for you to be fired for your free speech it is a fucking First Amendment issue.

When the Executive Branch of our government is openly calling for someone to be fired because of her speech, the First Amendment argument is definitely valid.

So, no one though of putting a 1/2" steel plate on top to make sure most or all the cans got crushed?

FYI, the online tool doesn’t tell you anything about whether you’ve been compromised. I entered my last name and the last 6 digits of my SS, completed a Captcha and I got this:

…who make web-videos compulsively, and without joy.

Trump has satyriasis?