Black Avenger of the Spanish Main

Nymphomanist in women…

See, this is the kind of review that causes me to drop what I'm doing and make me take an album for a spin…

See, this is the kind of review that causes me to drop what I'm doing and make me take an album for a spin…

Please remember, this is a value of wonderful that is included in the same sentence as both Roger Corman and the Marquis… So, it's a definite YMMV, which I suppose would go without saying, had I not just said it.

But, his turn as Inspector Marais in Dark Prince, the Roger Corman directed movie about the Marquis deSade is pretty wonderful ;)

Having some buggy behavior still. Searched Portland OR 10/2-10/4, got shows in Hong Kong 9/24-10/3 *scratches head*

I've revised my opinion of this to "awesometastic." I've seen three new bands in the last week.

Portland OR. 9/10 returns 9/9 dates, 9/11 returns nothing. End date was set as 9/18.

It, uh… doesn't work very good. If I try to set my list starting tomorrow, it gives me shows from today. If I try to set my list two days out, it doesn't give me anything…

So, I remember one distinctly that does not appear in here… "But how are we going to get the lederhosen onto the ostriches." It fits with the pants on birds theme you hear repeatedly, but also doesn't make the master list on tht PaTB wiki. Does anyone else remember this one?

The People eater appeared to me to have Syphilis and Gout.

I saw this trailer recently, and I was actually getting pretty excited about it, thinking that this was a fresh new film. Didn't realize it was a remake until almost the end of the trailer, and it really killed my enthusiasm…

So stoked to see Roky again next week!

Interesting. I've seen this trailer a few times now before Mad Max and I thought that the movie looked genuinely nerve wracking. Not fun, by any means - I thought that actually watching the movie would be a supremely unpleasant experience, but it did look very effectively terrifying.

Is it just me, or does this movie look like no fun at all? I'd imagine as far as disaster porn goes, it looks like it's going to actually be the movie 2012 promised to be, but honestly it just looks nerve-wracking, and not in a satisfying way at all…


Ladds Addition popped into my mind as well, and works pretty good, actually.