
No offense, but maybe the title should have been:

What did you think was going to happen? You should have written

How much damage are you ok with while people work patiently within the system, given that oversight of that system is currently broken?

Remember folks, doxxing is bad unless it’s done against people you disagree with.

technically its an incel phone

There’s that old Gawker feeling.

The problem is that I read Harron’s email and stop taking anything Harron has to say seriously. Harron may very well be right about Singal, but I will never know because I stopped listening.

May we assume that “What’s your fucking deal?” was not your first outreach? Why not present an earlier attempt - presuming you first contacted him and Atlantic with something like, “I am doing a piece on your various articles on trans issues. Can we sit down for an interview?” - which, perhaps went ignored, thus the

Seriously, Jezebel Snark™️ is a great way to get clicks and lulz, but maybe not the best way to get a comment from someone? Just a thought?  

Did you really expect Singal or their reps to speak with you given the way you approached the matter?

It would appear that Obama must continue to play the “Magical Negro” role until white liberals are satisfied with his overall performance.

I’m all for it. Though, with Braasch’s earlier bullshit coming to light, and the spotlight she’s under, this is going to be very hard for her to get away from in any case.

There’s really no good reason why DVD ownership isn’t in vogue in the same way that owning records is...

I can’t even remember the last time I watched a CD.

OK so the hipsters have come for DVDs now. Can anyone remember they last time they held a CD/DVD? No they can’t because it’s fucking stupid. If someone handed me a CD and said “Watch this!” I would throw it in the trash. We now have the ability to directly beam photons in the form of movies and TV shows anytime,

Counterpoint: for much less money (and much less space in my small-ass Brooklyn apartment!) I can rent a movie from Amazon and watch it when the need strikes. If I think I’m gonna watch it a bunch of times, I can buy it outright.

Yeah. I agree with the folks above calling for a tie after 10-12 innings in the minors. They do it in spring training and it’s fine. No one gives a shit about wins and losses in the minors.

They wouldn’t be trying this out on the farm if they didn’t want to try this in the show. Fuck this.

You need to speed up the game by not having so many commercial breaks. That’s the biggest slow down of game these days.

This is extremely dumb and goes against the very spirit of baseball itself. This put too much pressure on the pitcher as two sacrifice bunts would easily lead to a run.