
My husand and I binged watched this over the weekend and we both found it pretty engaging. My heart says Steven Avery did not commit that crime- but am I feeling that way because the documentary led me to believe so? I do feel something for certain, and that is that the nephew should be pardoned. He is obviously

I was never completely sure about Avery’s guilt or innocence, but none of the evidence they used to nail him should have been admissible. They need to test that blood again. There was absolutely a frame job by that department. There was just such a huge window for reasonable doubt. And Brendan Dassey has no business

I read about some of the alleged evidence that was left out against Steven enough to have doubts. But he 100% at the very minimum deserves a new trial not being presided over by a bunch of clowns. What are everyone else thoughts on this?

I’ve worked with teens who deal with mental disabilities. Brendan Dassy broke my heart. When he said he answered the officers questions how he answered on his Homework, by “guessing” I almost threw my computer out the window I was so angry. Every system failed that boy. Any form of early intervention failed him, the

I actually saw a Facebook post from the wife of someone who worked in the sheriffs department during the case. She genuinely believes he’s guilty and a monster. Thinks the whole series is just anti-police propaganda.

“according to a new report” ???? where’s the new report?


An entirely reasonable comparison that any reasonable person would draw.

No, it’s actually Black gay men-speak and means “live your life”....these women are constantly appropriating gay culture in their talking head interviews. If I hear one of them incorrectly define “shade” or scream “YAAAAASSSS GURL” one more time....sigh.

Not really, and at least as condescending. That is her life. I don’t know why so damned many people act like homebodies are incomprehensible or something, we’ve been a part of human society for fucking ever.

We’ve been shitting on that Abby chick all week for being a mediocre white girl, but now we insist a talented black girl couldn’t POSSIBLY write and compose her own album. A talented black girl couldn’t POSSIBLY be the creator of her own destiny or anything.

It was cool to bob our heads to “whip my head” and “21st

How did people as bland and commercial as Will and Jada create those two human non sequiturs?

I love Jez but they need a proofreader desperately. #hireme

Much like the cake, #ThePieIsALie

I am in no way a fan of Kesha. But I do think it’s odd that Jezebel continues to use this photo. Aren’t we supposed to be pro-women and pro-survivors here? She’s been through a lot of shit, including rehab, and it seems like the website is purposefully trying to make her look bad.

Seriously, like when he chided all the housewives when they were singing along with him playing the piano.