
I don’t even know how to address this. Your little bubble world is fascinating.

Interesting, and no doubt true, but if you’re looking to properly quantify the bias, shouldn’t you measure the difference between the award distribution and the theoretically-eligable books that were published?

Good points. I completely agree that if the awards are equivalent to representation in total works, then there proportionate representation. And, if there are as few female authors as some suggest, then these figures are skewed in favor of women. We cannot know for certain unless someone wants to figure out who wrote

Did they happen to gather information about the total number of books released by men vs women? I would be interested to see the gender breakdown then, because if the proportion of ALL scifi/fantasy books written by women also fall into the 30-40% range (or lower), then giving 30-40% of awards to women authors is

And as you can see above, the most prestigious awards in the field tend to be awarded to men between 60 percent and 70 percent of the time

Paradise Lost by John Milton is hands down the best fan-fiction ever written.

I had a chararacter who was more or less “Shaft” with the ability to persuade with his voice (e.g. Jedi Mind Trick).

I always likened it to a military base where soldiers and staff live onbase with their family. True most of those bases aren’t in hostile territory but I the the Ent-D was meant as a humanitarian ship that just happened to always run into trouble. Plus I think for the most part, at least at the beginning of TNG, it

Idiot? Guy makes what is in your estimation a mistake on a rather well written post and he’s an idiot? If he’s an idiot you’re a f*cking prick.

That’s great, but it’s not going to stop me from eating them. Sorry, my fellow sentients, but you’re all so delicious.

There are about 3 million people in New Zealand, and 60 million sheep. Lamb and mutton exports now significantly out-value wool. The Kiwis down there are slaughtering sentient beings for food.

Now playing

I’m probably going to be seen as on the wrong ‘side’ here, but I really do have a fundamental issue with the idea of chunks of land being locked up for ancient religious purposes.

“I suspect that most of these opportunities will be used for sex scenes.”

You forgot to mention there will no longer be scenes where people get stopped by the police while they have drugs, live/dead person in the trunk, refugee, whatever in their car.

The Mayor of Sunnydale

I thought it was something different and fresh at its time. Sadly it was victim of the tv film strike. :-o

Wow.. so many replies, yet hardly anybody has mentioned:

This...this ended, like Firefly and SGU(two good shows that should never have been canceled), and we didn't get a real ending. :(

No contest. The whole show was filled to the brim with mystery, intrigue, suspense, and drama and wound up getting cancelled after the season finale because more people were focused on LOST. Which by the way had nothing on this show. I watched episodes of LOST and watched episodes of this and LOST didn't come even

I think I might be alone on this one, but season 2 was so strong and introduced so many cool characters and ideas. Then halfway through, half the cast got killed off and the show flashed forward a few years and ended. Don't get me wrong, it was a great ending, but I would have loved to see Echo go on more adventures.