
Sorry, but this is an ineffective argument for two reasons.

Howard’s arc was related to empathy, not motherhood. It is indicated several times vice the one conversation with Greer.

But military bases do have families on them because to a large extent, you can be *less* worried when they are nearby then when you have to deal with family issues over email or Skype. A lot of historical, and current, data on this for military families.

There are families stationed in South Korea, well within missile range of North Korea. During the Cold WR, families were stationed near the Fulda Gsp, just speed bumps for the potential Soviet invasion. There are families at military bases in the Middle East.

Most if not all of the USMC ops had to be joint because the service was so small. But not all of the Army assaults were joint. Either way, to claim “the marines” did this on a weekly basis is to ignore the presence of the far more numerous Soldiers conducting these ops in both theaters. Just looking for credit where

1. Not on the scale of D-Day.

6. The car as a weapon/army under someone's remote control. Think "Maximum Overdrive" except with a plausible explanation of why the vehicles are all turning on their owners.

What would have been your solution to the Japanese soldiers dug into the caves of the various islands throughout the Pacific? They refused to surrender and did not stop fighting. By-passing some of those islands would work but not all of them. There was a legitimate need for a weapons technology that could mitigate

The inclusion of Harris and Lemay could only serve to increase your click count and generate discussion in the comments section. Otherwise, who is going to argue that Mengele wasn't the devil incarnate. It would appear you were successful which is unfortunate as this type of style will likely continue to be used for

This is like that "blue/black" "gold/white" dress thing isn't? There are two different versions of this article and only some people can see one version and others can only see the alternate version.

This would only be true if you still did not read any books by non-white male authors. In that case, you would be correct, you would only be bringing them down. But if you don't read them but *do* read other authors, you are bringing them up (though still brining the white male author down so they meet a midway

You believe "it's really far off to think I'm being snarky"? That's interesting.

Then not only should we be teaching cursive but we need to teach the alternative letter formations that were also used at that time. We don't but somehow we still know what the Constitution says. Odd...

No "The Hunted" (the one with Christopher Lambert not the one with Tommy Lee Jones)?!?

The US did not support the Kmer Rouge "leading upto and during" this time period. The U.S. did condem the Vietnamese overthrow of Kmer Rouge government along with China and did back the Kmer Rouge representatives keeping the Cambodian seat at the UN. But the U.S. did not support Cambodia during these atrocities and

Alternatively, it has been suggested that Judas used Jesus to further his organization's goals, believing that the crucifixion of an innocent man would serve as a rallying point for a popular uprising against the Romans. The story is then either that Jesus understood the political (vs religious) significance of his

So when do we start holding the entertainment industry responsible for their portrayal of torture? If over half of Americans believe torture is at least sometimes justified, isn't part of it a matter of desensitization from TV and movies along with the reinforced message that it ALWAYS works?

Or it could be that the Riddler isn't a bad guy. That most of the characters we eventually know as the enemies of Batman are normal people who are trying their best to survive in this world. Unfortunately, the balance of power in Gotham requires the police to allow organized crime to retain power and in so doing,

I think the Tonto role in the Lone Ranger is actually a special case. It has been several years (as in about 22 years), but I recall reading an article about an up and coming Native American actor (Michael Horse, I believe) who said he tried not to choose roles specifically written for Native Americans. But more