I don't have much sympathy for reporters who are slow to the story and complain after the fact. Sutcliffe got there late and he's from Deportes. Wyllie's only goal is to honor the original Americans.
I don't have much sympathy for reporters who are slow to the story and complain after the fact. Sutcliffe got there late and he's from Deportes. Wyllie's only goal is to honor the original Americans.
"What's the big deal?" some people say. Liking the Bengals isn't addictive! It's a social thing! Lots of people do it! But I applaud Hawkins for taking a firm stance here. If I caught my child doing it in my home, I'd react the same way. I don't care what the studies say; Cincinnati Bengals fandom is a gateway to…
Any Ohio State fan will tell you it's much, much worse that Michigan is having a rough football season than that their band director had semi-nude photos of students in his office
It's the natural order of things. Don't fight it.
how many sips did you take each time one of your roommates literally died on the couch from drinking this vile shit?
"I played high school football in Bumfuck Arkansas, that's basically the same thing as being an elite professional athlete playing in the world's biggest sporting event against the best athletes in the world. Plus we did two a days uphill, both ways, in the snow, in 90 degree heat"
This woman is seriously out of her fucking gourd.
It looks like he can actually see the headline and is super bummed about it
If they respected themselves they would not live in West Virginia.
It's the day after a huge launch of the second largest OS in the world. It's to be expected and some of us enjoy reading these things. It takes less than a second to jump past those five articles. Just don't click on them. Instead you wasted time to come here and bitch in the comments.
Are you a Fliers fan?
And one in Colorado. Possibly Indy as well. And a truck team in Ohio.
I'm not the only one who was expecting a college kid instead of Malcolm McDowell, right?
Let me clarify. The right to own a firearm. I don't actually encourage people to do so since it's a personal choice, a big responsibility, and requires some training, confidence, and discipline that not everyone is willing to develop (or has.)
Chickens are assholes. Tasty, tasty assholes.
Stop acting like 'Shake It Off' isn't great
Chris Gaines actually wrote this list.
I'm a true Browns fan: I don't believe they've actually won until I sober up. I get these hallucinations, you see. It happens when the water for your bourbon and branch comes from the mighty Cuyahoga.