
That’s really strong stuff from a guy too cowardly to show his face.  So brave.

It’s not surprising. I live in Georgia, and Georgia is not really a swing state. It’s a Red State that hates Trump. Brian Kemp, the Governor, won in basically a landslide. It speaks to how terrible Walker was as a candidate.

Having “less of an advantage” is not a disadvantage

He’s sorry that the money is drying up. What a clueless human being. 

Great, that’s all we need now, a monkeypox pandemic. Fortunately, if there’s anything recent events have taught us, American’s are totally capable of uniting for the common good, following common sense guidance, and doing what’s right for everyone during a pandemic.

Eggs are as unique as the hen that lays them. All of my ladies lay brown eggs but I can tell which egg came from which chicken, or at least which breed, by the shade and shape of the egg. Even then, there is the rare occurrence when there is no pigment in the shell. I have had a couple of times when the egg I got

I was excited for this show. The concept seemed interesting... Then I watched the first six episodes. Wife and I agreed to stop watching.

Most people looking to buy an Apple TV wouldn’t  even consider buying a Roku. It’s like telling someone looking into buying a Tesla to buy a Chevy Volt instead.

She was an English teacher and I think the weirdness of Dune made it perfect for visual lit classes. She also gave me a copy of the Dune novel when I was 12. It was already old and battered to fuck back then and I read it once a year. 20 odd years on, I can’t read it anymore because I think it’ll fall apart if I do.

Indeed. I found the text description from the book:

It was a successful design that CHOAM kept producing for over eight thousand years.

“Don’t be angry. Everybody gets one here.”

My grandmother seemed to have the Lynch Dune on a loop whenever we visited when I was 7. It was way beyond what a 7 year old could understand, but it got me hooked on Sci Fi for life. I doubt this version will have anything as gnarly as the heartplug scene.

Oakley Factory Pilot gloves, I have a pair of those. I like ‘em, but perhaps not as much as the costume designer, who it appears cut the knuckle guards out of a second pair and stuck them on Zendaya’s wrists :D

Basically, he’ll get us back to the status quo without fixing any of the problems that got us here so we can all expect to be back here by the end of the decade.  

If they are truly trying to be historically accurate and honor their heritage (which we all know they aren’t but go with me here):

When talking about the way a Black person speaks, Whites will often say coded language such as “(s)he is so articulate”, (s)he is so well spoken”. Language that’s rarely ever used towards their white colleagues.

“he’s not smart, or ARTICULATE”

I wish I had the luxury of prioritizing how “tiresome” the fight for life saving healthcare, access to education, and a decent quality of life is over doing everything I can to support that movement because I desperately need these changes for myself and the people I love. When I hear people avoiding the message and

I don’t know, the Outland TIE does seem to borrow from the V1, what with the folding wings. Too, the V1 seems to have been limited to Inquisitor use only, at least after the Lothal Rebels blew up the prototype at the Empire Day celebration.