
Reading some of these comments, all I thought of the old adage... Bucket of crabs. Not one crime of racism is more vile than the other, when the fuck are we gonna understand the crime is the same always. Geez. Point it out, make it known, make it shamed  

Your Grandmother was golden 

I thought being 5 clicks above white trailer thrash was starting to get to the sweet spot.... you know middle class. SHEEEET as long as none of my neighbors are cooking meth or has meth mouth, I thought that was arriving.....

Does Lebron not realize that the games will still be televised so “The Fans” will still be able to see him and that if it Corona gets that crazy it’s better for his own health safety as well as “The Fans” safety?

GTFOH with this BS. All of sudden it’s ok to settle for less. The Revolution can slow down now because we are hurting the fee fees of the”Southerners”. I’m a Latino my people are fucking being PUT IN CAGES WE NEED YOUR SOLIDARITY FOR FUCKING CHANGE AND YOU GAVE US VANILLA ASSHOLES! It’s not about the blancitos it was

This is an oldie from GOP/Conservatives playbook, Whine how “entitlements” are costing too much causing the deficit to soar so they must get cut. Get control of government on the fact that they promise to cut taxes for everyone especially the hillbillies! (Not really the poor rubes get hosed it’s for the rich and

As a Latino, I will say we have a similar structure but few variations but the similarities are striking. All Mommy and Daddy’s friends are Tio’s and Titi’s (Uncles and Aunts) plus their natural blood Aunts and Uncles. But we don’t have play cousins or personal relationship cousins, just real blood ones, sorry no one

Usually I am totally with the whole NFL contracts aren’t worth the paper they’re written on that players need better protections, their union is shit etc. But AB is not just getting this happen to him just because of crackergate but a long list of offenses stemming from his days in Pitt. Now you can say his offenses

Blackmouth Cur, I have one, Layla they are by far the smartest, wiley, athletic, dogs that never lose their puppy-dom. One of the best dogs I ever had she is 12 and every one thinks she is like 5 her vet is always amazed

The outright brazenness of it all is because they all know a pardon is waiting for them. Trump is going to have a little pad just like a prescription pad from a rogue Dr. that uses it to hand out Oxy like candy.

Doesn’t Trump do all his watching via a TiVO? yeah this little experiment is going to die because of the fast forward button 

This HAS to be the turning point for the Republicans??!! Right?! RIGHT?! 

Hugo Boss only designed the Nazi uniforms in no way were they were involved on the whole concentration camp part.

have no problem with a Biden/Obama ticket (the bromance part deux) Biden/Warren or vice versa Warren/Harris there is a good crop to choose from as long as the PTB dont mess with the process.

Only real way to stop this is to put a real scare in the GOP, like say having Ted Cruz lose to Beto O’Rourke. That would slow their and Trump’s shenanigans right away. But considering Cruz is leading in the polls, these peeps aren’t that upset about the wall. and its not just the wall nonsense, losing a Texas Senate

Gonna have to say this happens in alt species that the bros who play Halo (in my case years ago) while waiting for hatchling is that Lady Bklynpuffin got hyperactive close to hatching time. They actually calling it nesting, she would overstock the kitchen as if Hurricane Katrina was a daily event (i was never fatter)

This will become a vortex of fat that will consume us all!

I have a question and would be thankful to anyone that can answer. Is aimbot’ing just a PC gaming thing or both a console and PC gaming issue? i am not a prolific gamer or anything like that but when i do game, console mostly its hard to tell for me if its happening because i don’t want to detract from anyone that has

The term “Chinese Apples” maybe a regional thing, it what was pomegranates were called in Brooklyn, while i was growing up. It’s origin maybe because only Asian fruit and vegetable grocers were the only ones to carry them. The term is hardly used anymore due to probable racist connotation.

Can’t leave the backdoor open for his friend Pooty if he leaves a competent guard on site.