
The first thing that came to my mind is, this is the guy who is going to wash the foreign monies for the Trump’s and Thiel gets his beak wet in the process. I just hope we get to Thiel first when the poor revolt and he tries to skate away to New Zealand.

Some cable companies (cough Cough ROPtimum) use the guest network as a mesh that allows anyone walking by to use you as a access point. so they can claim 1 million wifi places

I starred this because your insults are poetry

I see #fackinpats didn’t make the cut

This is my best guess what will happen with Arya, I didn’t think she went to a hidey-hole but right back to the House of Black and White she doesn’t know the waif was spying on her and as far she thinks no one knows the extent of her assignment being blown but she knows it won’t be long until they do, so she goes

Is there a fatwa on Schilling that nobody knows about that he is so frightened for himself and family? is there one at petiton.whitehouse.gov? Can we start one?

Well they know Sansa is alive, but it wouldn’t be up to the Houses of the North to decide, Tommen would and it is possible he would choose the Karstarks (who are Stark cousins anyway), but unlikely as there is no Karstark/Lannister/Baratheon connection that would make him elevate the House. Knowing the North’s great

A House can’t be elevated in that way, through murder or force, if it did it would have constant battles of cadet Houses vs. their liege Lords. In the books most Houses are extremely loyal to the Lieges, but to overtake one a is quite an accomplishment, and threats from treacherous houses are put down severely, like

My problem with Gmail other than how nosey Goodgle is that you can’t have aliases which are very handy.

If Sanders wins the Dems better lineup behind him and they will or they will only hold the Senate for 2 years again, it would be outright ludicrous if they didn’t considering the country just took a giant leap left if Sanders wins that would be the mandate. Their base won what would be considered a nationwide

Just a question but why is this not applicable to HRC too. The GOP is not going to lineup to do aisle crossing, country saving, infrastructure building legislation with her either. You think once she gets elected that all the Benghazi, email server, the fact that she polls so bad on trustworthiness is just going to go

I suppose the guys who keep it high and tight are the ones in the barber shop every week or so along with blue haired grannies. I go about once every month and half to two months longer if no important meetings or engagements pop up. If I do have such an event I do go a week before so I don’t look like the

CygWin had been on Windows for awhile now and it has bash and korn shell baked in it too and it works very well. Pretty hard for them to screw this up

How is OneNote not getting any play in this fight? It’s free and does all the same things both of these apps do?

It wouldn't matter if they paid or not. If they were let's say FB messenger-centric it would be still be free for them. The objective is there are many rings already out there, create the one ring to rule them all

The incentive would be money in this case. As I for one would actually pay for a client that does this, the problem that Whats App ran into to gain money was that there was no value in paying for it while there are hundreds of ways to do the same thing so why would you pay for it. Gchat, FB messenger, twitter DM,

I do not understand why we can’t have multi-platform agnostic messaging system that takes IM’s, text, Imessage all in one place it’s terribly annoying to have to cater to so many apps that all do the same exact thing. Why is this so hard? The consumer should get a choice of what software they use to message with like

Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

He’s down 2% because the base of his party are warmongers and he said all the wrong things like be logical and coherent on what a no fly zone over Syria would really entail. They don’t want to hear that all they want to do is too stick their fingers in their ears and go LALALALALA ‘Murica is great GUNS GUNS GUNS

i see what you did there snicker