
Who knew 2016 was just a chilling vision of things to come?

I feel like I’m obligated to complain about the lack of Pilotwings

I think the purge episode is used as the main example of a “good enough” episode because it turned out so well despite being rather tossed together on short notice. It makes you wonder what their hit/miss ratio would be if they wrote more episodes in a similar fashion.

A comment of mine falsely detected as spam in another article has been in a status of "Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected" for six days now. I feel it would be more honest if they just told me that my comment went out to get a pack of cigarettes.

I prefer to call it "Slender Repeal"

A major problem is that Nintendo put digital triggers instead of analog on all their post-GameCube controllers. Sunshine really requires pressure sensitive/analog triggers because of the FLUDD mechanic. For the life of me, I can't figure out why Nintendo continues to cripple their controllers like this.

…suddenly wakes up screaming something about the Heat Man stage…

In theory it shouldn't, but in practice it often does sound better because of horrible "loudness war" mastering techniques that have been used on CDs for the past 20 years or so. I've actually bought albums on CD or digital only to later seek out and download a vinyl rip that doesn't have all the dynamics squashed

Does there need to be a location-based modifier for people who lived in places that may have been caught in a time warp? For example, Napoleon Dynamite came out in 2004 and was set in the present day, but the town they lived in was clearly 10-20 years behind.

Shh! Don't give Burger King any ideas!

Explains why Eggplant Wizard got a job working for Mother Brain in the Captain N cartoon. Not sure who gave King Hippo an employment reference, however.

Yep, it sounded pretty insane. Like May wanted 1991 to be the midpoint of the movie, so they could cover all the exciting things that have happened with the band since. Even really smart and creative people can sometimes have really terrible ideas.

He might even make it past the retro nostalgia phase of his reality show. Seriously, it ended 12 years ago!

Prior to Mario 64 Lakitu had always been trying to kill you, so it also kinda makes sense if he made "mistakes".

I saw the Treehouse of Horror parody on The Simpsons dozens of times before I saw the actual movie, so it's hard for me to even evaluate it on its own. I did gain new appreciation for the parody, though.

Though at least when Generation X is the new old generation, they'll be smaller in number. Plus all the processed sugar we ate back in the 90s will probably shorten some of our lifespans a bit. The grocery store I worked at in high school used to sell their Mountain Dew knockoff in 3-liter bottles.

Well, Girl in Gold Boots did have a teleportation scene…

Would this end up like the finale to Seinfeld?

Ever think of moving to Florida?

In the world of games, I nominate the original Deus Ex. Some aspects of its world are eerie for a game that came out pre-9/11. The second half of this excellent and very entertaining review/analysis gets into the details: