
We only wish we had President Camacho and his Cabinet at this point.

I call "Tribble Brewing". As well as the typo-inspired, "Gribble Brewing"

I am looking forward to John Oliver attempting to update his definition of "rock bottom" as events unfold.

Shh…don't give Mitch McConnell any ideas!

Maybe Nintendo only made one unit, and Martin Shkreli already pre-ordered it.

Yep, that's the one.

Tubular can suck my balls

He said she was one state away from losing the electoral college, and they all laughed…

And, what if your family don't like bread? They like… cigarettes?

You can never be too concerned with burrito coverings. I don't even want to imagine what would happen to America if we had a real shortage of those.

It is true that Michael Jackson and Madonna generally had bigger-selling records. Only 1999 and Purple Rain achieved more than double platinum status in the U.S.

Meh, they're no Crisis of Conformity.

I wish that all racial problems could have been solved before this show ended, just so Larry could have made good on his promise to spend each episode talking about his favorite episodes of Battlestar Galactica instead.

Super Mario 3D World will sometimes give you power-ups that make you invincible when you die a bunch of times in the same level. Though it's kind of humiliating playing with a group of friends and then realizing the game thinks you all suck.

Oooh, a lesson in not changing history from "Mr. I'm-my-own-grandpa". Let's get the hell out of here already!

To this day my brother and I still quote "You should try the French toast" any time we pass by a strip club.

I can't wait until they throw his hatless butt in jail!

Bradley Hitler-Smith

Agreed. Down to one guy, who was temporarily replaced on tour due to illness. So unless another band finds a way to tour with a negative number of original/classic members…