
But why are they color-coded if the kids are blind?

Is your moral compass so fucked up that a $20 bill would cause you to have an existential crisis?

Depends on the amps, but since this was a cable powering the LHC, my guess is:

What the hell are you doing with your USB ports? I’ve not lost a single USB port on any device I’ve encountered in 15 years.

You must be new here. Casey is unable to write more than two or three sentences, maybe a short paragraph at most.

I learned somewhere that the kneading thing they do with their fore paws when they are being petted, scratched or are otherwise content is leftover from when they were kittens. Kittens knead their mother’s teats for milk and continue that action into adulthood whenever they feel that same sort of warm, safe and happy

Why is everything on “INSERT GAWKER SITENAME” a “video” now? I came here to READ a story on cat weirdness not watch it. If I wanted to watch cat videos I would just go straight to a cat clickbait site....

I, for one, welcome our fuzzy, purring overlords.

Clean as a $2 hooker......

Hillary is anything but clean. And that applies to a helluva lot more than the email server issue.

Got really disappointed when I didn’t see the watches in the header image on sale.

Got really disappointed when I didn’t see the watches in the header image on sale.

I just wish all of the arduino, pi, etc supported POE. That would make development cake. Big power on a wire.

Maybe create and have Catlyn on the $3? (sorry to all who were offended by that joke)(To all that don’t get it, google “queer as a $3)

“Harriet Tubman is going to replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill—which is awesome.” WHY? What did she do for the country? Yes, she saved lives, freed people, but other than keeping the population of the country larger and more diverse....what did she do for the country? We should pick Mary Edwards Walker if you must

So essentially an early version of one of these:

Or the liberal SJWs and feminists would complain about the image objectifying a woman's body and complain that her posture was one that no real woman would ever assume.

Not as disappointing as you being wrong by almost 100 years. The motto was added to our money in 1864.

I’m disappointed that you didn’t mention that “In God We Trust” wasn’t added to the money until the 1950’s in the frenzy of anti-communist propaganda despite its unconstitutional nature.

Holy smokes! This is awesome! Why did we move away from this design? It’s like part orgy and part statecraft.