
I find it shocking that there are people who like the idea of banning protective clothing that has no use as a weapon.

Agreed, people are ignorant and it seems odd that they turn into toddlers that require the physical touch of something to determine that it is actually there.

Some asshat probably stood on the hand for a selfie and broke the fingers, and they were replaced by a landscaper.

He just angry cuz he got all those teeth and no toothbrush.

I think just for cutting holes in drywall this might be worth it.

I remember in the movie, Doc told Marty to order a Pepsi and gave him a $50. Technically, they are discounting these bottles.

Don’t buy the thing you like, buy the thing I like.

You dipshits never give up, do you?

Well that didn’t take long... only 4 minutes. Might just be a new record.

I think when Steve Jobs was talking about a stylus, he was probably talking about a stylus as a primary interface device. Not as an artistic tool, which is what this is clearly designed for.

Go put your tinfoil hat back on.

Or, someone just OPENED it. People need to stop adding hack to everything.


Yeah. The mobile game market is crap in comparison to the PS4... what a bunch of losers. *eyeroll* If you think they’re trying to position ATV to compete against PS4, you’re missing the point.

So if you have a 2nd gen Nest, there’s little reason to upgrade unless you need to see your thermostat from across the room.

I wished we cound get past streaming apps like Disney Junior, that require a cable subsubscription to watch - what’s the point?

agreed... as a customer i’ve never had a better relationship with a company. package stolen (repeatedly) from my door step? refund. no questions asked. want it there tomorrow? there it is. I’ve even shopped on a products website, then on a whim checked amazon and realized that i coudl get it prime shipped. now i just

I knew I'd find someone smarter than Stephen Hawking on Gizmodo.