
Perhaps I am alone in this opinion... but... WHAT'S THE POINT OF THIS??

But what if you put a scanner on a scanner?


The "baseballs" (gas storage tanks) are located away from the main buildings for exactly that reason, so they don't get involved in any disaster. They are also far enough from each other to avoid any chain reaction, and surrounded by a moat to contain any spills.

My blinking color coordinated living room thanks you.


"it's nice seeing other "gizmo" related articles" and also that talk realistically about firearms without describing them as "scary."

Thank you for this- it's nice seeing other "gizmo" related articles that vary from android vs iOS vs bacon etc

Oh no! It's old man winter.

They "Unboxed" it. As in .. that is no longer a box, it's now something else.

Problem solved:

I LOVE BMG but I seriously don't understand this video. What was the point? Seemed stupid. :/

Read: spunk speaker. Was confused.

It's good to see Apple being much more open under Tim Cook. I know a lot of people will say, ''oh, these features were on Android first!". Ironically enough, Apple was getting criticized for now having many of these features. Apple's just integrating these ideas in a more ''secure'' and unifed environment. I don't

Too soon? :)

Here's a view out the window of their escort.

availability issues?