
I remember when the first Iphone came out, and I was all like "No keypad? Typing on a touchscreen will never work!"

Count me as one of the million people on here to notify you that Scotch is only made in Scotland.

This is so poorly written that I need a couple glasses of Macallan to forget about it.

"Scotch made in its homeland, Canada and England is called Scotch Whisky (no e), while that made in Ireland and the U.S. is Scotch Whiskey."

What stuntmen? All I see is a bunch of pre-posed mannequins with LEDs on them being turned on and off...

Still not as much force as your mom generates sitting on the couch.

I saw it but remember NOTHING , exept he ran a lot ( "Sally field , now ".... Pisser !)

By people with terrible taste in film. It's an awful film. Personally, I still can't believe this beat "Pulp Fiction" for Best Picture that year.

Usain Dolt. Now that's funny!

Is the difference between glasses having arms and legs a regional thing or a personal thing? Just curious; you're the first person I've ever heard call them legs!

I smell a Jerk style lawsuit - did they not learn any lessons from the Opti-Grab?

Oh god! This version of the Lenovo Trackpoint, since a friend of mine started referring to it as "the clit".

Mostly notable for the particular company which thought this terrible horrible awful no good blight on the world was actually a good idea.

Many cars do have a valet key though as a valet, I can tell you from an Aston to a Z06, I never came across any that limited the speed :)

How many people thought the other kind of pipe I wonder...

Yep... right there. Imagine cleaning those waffles now....


I think the headline is a bit misleading. More like "Starting a fire with a knife, ferro rod, dry wood, and premade tinder."

Pssh, no they don't. But who cares, because they always taste amazing.