
Kellogg will never be finished. Going to be working on it between Webb and Greenwich for the next 5 years according to their timeline, which everyone knows will be 8-10 years. Thats hilarious. I only commented on the knife because nothing happens here........

aaaah i live there.

The GIF makes him look way more retarded than the video lol.

LMAO I had to open mine up to see what version came on my computer hahaha. Last time I used it was to download firefox and chrome.

Im not against a thinner TV, but usually you have this thick speaker and thick mount, and thicker area for some media card to plug your cables into. Yes its saving a bit of plastic, but it wont save me any money, they will charge more because its an advancement. Cool non the less, a step forward

Yeah who gives a crap how thin the TV is with huge speakers. Plus theres always a mount, etc. Its nice to not have the bulk, but at some point the thinness does not gain much.

Im glad that works for you flintstone314

I did not read that it had a 5 year life. My bad... I figured replacing the battery at least once a year so I guess my though isnt relevant. Initial cost of $35 the first, and $15 every year after that = $95 at 5 years which is about the cost of the Nest is what I was thinking in my head. I have a 2 year old nest,

I have seen this a couple times now. In my opinion, in 5 years time you would have paid for the $100 Nest (not saying its the best but a nice round number) if you changed this battery once a year. The protect has a lot better sensors and features in my opinion. I think $100 is crazy if you have to buy like 5 detectors

I carry my over-under with the barrels pointing forward. He has them rearward. This isnt even close to the worst thing I have ever seen. Typically you hold a pump or semi auto by the butt like he is, but with an over-under you flip it around. Ive seen it at every shotgun range I have ever been to and its never been an

Next post a good car shredder video. I got to design one at work years ago. It is quite the thing to see. This shredder separated all the parts and pieces using various methods. It was cool.

I used to do some work at a refinery and they would hire a team of guys to come in with about 20 falcons and scare the other birds away. Apparently once they grab one, they eat it, and they are full for the day. They are trained to fly around quite a bit to scare the birds off before grabbing a snack. They also said

To watch it for free you must first type in the pin number of your EBT card.

And as someone who is a condisending trolling prick, fuck you!

Honestly not near as bad as the crap I see in every single art exhibit I have ever wandered across.

Could add cathodic protection?

Guarantee its to hide a laser

We have some of this at work. It drains well, but I am not overly impressed by it. Over time the top layer gets kind of loose. Its okay.

This might be the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Barny fife with 1 non lethal bullet?

this should be labeled “what apple should have done to begin with once Jobs was out of the picture.”