Apathos The Caring

It’s equivalent to a Large Farva.

It’s really not hard for a current owner to get a new title from the DMV, why sellers always try to sell a vehicle without it is baffling. It’s much harder for the new owner to try to get a replacement title.

Tesla Model S-endIt!

I can’t place why...but I can conjure no feelings at all for this car. Not good, not bad just; Hey...there’s that thing.

The only people who see climate change as a religion are conservatives. The rest of us view it as science.

Seems particularly appropriate for this pile:

*Sees price

What does the post office do when you bring them mail?

They send it.

...I arranged for my college buddy, who lives in Indy, to take a look waste his time looking at it because, let’s face it, I have a problem and would have bought it regardless of what might be wrong with it.”

“You will be defended by your insurer”

And we all know insurance companies don’t do anything for free, hence them not being charities. However, we pay into them for years and years and reap no benefit, but should we need to use them and get some of our money back which any reasonable person should expect, we get penalized. Makes perfect sense.

This is probably a stupid comment, but I wish it was smaller. I get the the Rangers bloat is driven by safety, but the ranger then and the ranger now looks like it took to heart the American “diet”.

No Sylvia badge on it? No keyword spam? No mention of a welded diff? Fuck me, that thing is a unicorn. NP all day long. 

Been doing it wrong for decades, not much to hang your hat on.

I couldn’t t care less about Metrosmith but these Aerovans are cool. 

If he had gone for a Lancia Stratos a lot of people wouldn’t have noticed the difference.

So do you put the plastic bag over the baby like the picture shows?

Just like Porsche’s design team...

Is it possible to be neither pro nor con and just accept things for what they are or do we all have to pick a side for no reason

This is why you don’t get married, as soon as you do she makes you sell all of your cool stuff!