Apathos The Caring

Replacing it will just make it bigger and more expensive, like the Ranger and Coloranyon twins. Length-wise they’re about the same. But height, width, and load-height are the differences without any benefit to cargo or passenger volume.

*3. Don’t update it too much, just keep lowering the price on a paid-for platform. As long as it can meet regulations, let it stay out there as the only real mid-size truck.

You can also pay $495 for Pearl White

The positive side of your last point is that it's still an N/A V8. Not some high strung turbo v6 that is at the bleeding edge of its potential. It'll be harder to get to, but the options will be there. 

The movie, the Nintendo game, the Bomber jacket, and even the haircut. Young me had, and loved, all of it. I don’t care if it’s a craptastic nostalgia grab. I am in.

2nd Gear:

short-answer: Image

This’ll be sold by lunch.

RIP Alta, the blood of which was sacrificed for the creation of this bike.

This series hit the ground running much, much better than the other refreshes.

I would be completely unable to follow scientific ethics standards at this point. How do these guys not have complete funding via a PokerStars account?

How to tell if someone’s not married:

Less than $30k? You mean for just the mods? The vehicle is expected to start at $60k.

Canoes have a surprising market. I sold off an Old Town 17' canoe that was made with the good Royalex Fiberglass. Ended up in a bidding war going $300 over my asking on CL.

4th Gear:

The Grand Caravan starts at over 26k now? How and when did that happen? I could swear they started at about 22k before the Pacifica showed up. Of course, you can get them for 22-23 now, with all of the rebates, but the low bar out-the-door was 18 grand. 

The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch

This car would be ideal for someone that lives in the southwest and works the right hours (and parks outside). For over 300 sunny days a year, they’d theoretically have a full solar round-trip range of about 60 miles give or take .

I live a mile down a dirt road. Washing the cars regularly is incredibly futile. 

I’m honestly surprised that rural travel isn’t a higher percentage of the total. Though, it does mean that <20% of the population has to (no choice) cover <30% of miles driven in personal vehicles. The sole “public transport” option is school buses. If my 1st grader rode the bus, he’d be in transit for 90 minutes each