
I’m sorry, but something about Britney just makes wish she’d shut the fuck up. And no, I'm not a jamie lynn fan.

The term “master” does not imply “slave”, and is not exclusively masculine, nor is this usage of the term associated with slavery or masculinity. This is merely the latest instance of doing violence against the English language to guard against an imagined offense, based on false etymology.

We don’t negotiate with terrorist.

That was a great gesture. Far too many people are entitled pricks to those who are serving and helping them.

Good idea.  I hope it works better than the federal no-call list though.

I’m still barely interacting with other people at this point. Is it even worth bothering?

You mad, beautiful bastard.

And I looked and beheld a pale horse; and his name that sat on him was Death and Hell was supposed to follow with him but he got washed away in the storm surge.

You’re an adult. You should be able to force a fucking toddler into a goddamn car seat. If not, you’re worthless.  Consider it a bonus if you don’t have to do it in a 2-door hatchback.

I’m sure that in the end the couple will do what is best for remaining in the news.

Exactly this. What other people or don’t do with their partners is none of my business. I hate all these viral posts of people overhearing someone in an airport or something and then tracking down their wife to rat them out. Mind your own business, people. 

Parent: “You ever wanna touch an iPad again....?”
Child: (whimpering) “Y-yes.....”
Parent: “Then shut up.”

When our daughter was about 3, we were driving down the highway with her in the car seat in the back. She unlatched herself, and immediately the car pulled off the road, stopped, and turned off. I looked around in puzzlement, trying to figure out what could have possibly gone wrong ... maybe someone removed their seat

Stand off? WTF

Certainly not #22:

or with a women on top.

Are these the same people who participated in the Tide pod challenge? For those who didn’t die, it could be the chemicals permanently altered their taste buds.

I’ve been the person that both the parent (my sister) and grandparent (my mom) have both vented to about this topic. What I found helped both is saying “I think you are viewing this as a lack of respect, and I don’t think that’s the case.”

Where possible, avoid cooking on aluminum baking trays, foil, or cast iron. Aluminum and iron affect okra’s pH levels, resulting in discoloration, and those metals will interact with okra’s cellular structures, making the cooked pods look dull and lifeless.

it is a stimulating popcorn