
People you should be wary of, more than re-heated rice: People who get “news” from social media.

I just assume Chinese food is barely safe when it’s fresh.

I’d say that the Villeneuve Dune is definitely “superior” in terms of being faithful to the novel, more “grounded,” more of a science fiction story about a young man caught up in a fake Hero’s Journey than a space fantasy about a true Messiah with magic rain powers. But my heart will always belong to the Lynch movie,

50 Shades Dobbier

“Why are the [Star Wars] characters so hallowed that from 1977 you can’t re-do it for a new audience?” the director asked, referencing other franchises like James Bond, Batman or Spider-Man that just recast characters over and over.

“childbearing age”

So I’m sure they’re holding this same standard with any medications that might affect men’s sperm, right?

I think what makes it manipulative is that he started a relationship with someone who was a professional surfer, who’s social media history and presence including oodles of this content that he wanted her to get rid of, and he appears to have not mentioned that beforehand only bringing up during the relationship. If

...because he doesn’t have the money. The vast majority of his wealth is tied up in the ownership of various companies and properties. He doesn’t have anywhere near that kind of liquid capital.  

Why doesn’t he write a persional check? He has the money.

Why does he think freedom of speech isn’t worth the price?

Actual no reason to call her out. He managed to trick her into believing he was a good person, he showed his true colors during this election, so she changed her mind about how she feels about him.

Why can’t you accept that sometimes we change our opinions about other people?

Not Such A Kid Rock.

You put it in an airtight plastic cube and stare at it.

I think this demonstrates the difference between watching a movie in a theater and watching it on a TV.

I just can’t care anymore. If this dick and all of his companies disappeared tomorrow I’d be fine. The electric car genie is out of its bottle and I’d rather it take another 50 years to get to Mars if it meant we never had to hear about this asswipe again.

The Prequels were bad movies, but they were still undeniably Star Wars movies.

Troll 2 isn’t “so bad it’s good.” It’s just BAD.


They need the 24 months to remove all of the gaudy tasteless gold coloured crap that Trump ordered. 

This is one step above POV porn. Until they have true integration with connected “accessories” it will be very disappointing. The tech is coming but it has not really reached it’s climax. [wink wink] When you can get a blowjob from a live human being without ever leaving your sofa...that’s when this shit will take